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Clippings File Subject Guide for the Stock Car Racing Collection: Subjects J

Stock Car Racing Collection Clippings File, J

Jackson International Speedway (Mississippi)

Jackson, Jack

Jackson, Reggie  SEE ALSO
            Herzog Jackson Motorsports
            Minorities in Racing

Jackson, Richard; SEE ALSO Precision Products Racing

Jackson Speedway (Minnesota)

Jackson, Steve

Jacob, Gary

Jacobi, Bruce

Jacobs, Joe

Jaguar; SEE ALSO International Division (NASCAR)

Jalopy Racing

James, Bob

James, Lee

James, Markey

Jankowiak, Andy

Jannett, Frank

Japan; SEE International Stock Car Racing

Jarrett, Dale; SEE ALSO Robert Yates Racing

Jarrett Family

Jarrett, Jason

Jarrett, Ned

Jarvis, Dwight

Jasper Motorsports

JAX Raceway

Jefferson Speedway


Jenkins, Bill

Jennerstown Speedway

Jeremy Clements Racing

JKS Motorsports

Jobs in Racing; SEE ALSO
            Drivers–Salaries, Benefits
            Education Programs

Joe Amato Racing; SEE ALSO Amato, Joe

Joe Gibbs Racing; SEE ALSO Gibbs, Joe

Joe Weatherly Stock Car Museum  SEE Darlington Raceway Stock Car Museum

Johns, Bobby

Johnson, Alan

Johnson, Bob

Johnson, Danny

Johnson, Flossie

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Jessie

Johnson, Jimmie; SEE ALSO
            Hendrick Motorsports
            Herzog Jackson Motorsports

Johnson, Jimmy

Johnson, Joe Lee

Johnson, Junior (Robert Glen, Jr.); SEE ALSO
            Goodwood Festival of Speed
            Johnson, Flossie
            Junior Johnson Race Team

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Ronnie

Johnson, Ruby L.

Johnson, Ted

Johnson, Tina

Johnson, Tommy Jr.

Johnson, Warren

Johnstone, Ray

Joliet Memorial Stadium

Jones and McGee Motorsports

Jones, Bobby

Jones, Booker T. Washington

Jones, Buckshot; SEE ALSO Petty Enterprises

Jones, Davy

Jones, Don

Jones, Eddie

Jones, Erik

Jones, Gordon

Jones, Harvey

Jones, Jabez; SEE ALSO Jones and McGee Motorsports

Jones, Jacky

Jones, Jagger

Jones, Max

Jones, P. J.

Jones, Parnelli

Jones, Pee Wee

Jones, Roy

Jones, Sandy

Jones, Tony

Jordan, Dick

Jordan, Lester

Jordan, Michael

Jourdain, Michel Jr.

Journalists; SEE
            Women in Racing
            Names of Specific Individuals, ie, Weber , Bill

Joy, Mike

JR Motorsports

JTG Daugherty Racing: SEE ALSO Daugherty, Brad

Judkins, Bob

Jukasa Speedway

Junction Motor Speedway

June, Don

Jungle Park Speedway

Junior Johnson Race Team; SEE ALSO
            Benfield, Henry
            Johnson, Junior
            Junior Johnson Racing (Robert Johnson)
            Marlin, Sterling

Junior Johnson Racing (Robert Johnson)

Junk Formula Racing

Justice, Ed Sr.


Profile Photo
Suzanne Wise
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Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608-2026
tel: 828-262-2798

Curator of the Stock Car Racing Collection