Caanan Fair Speedway
Cactus Derby
Cagle, Will
Cain, Bobby
Caisse, Sean
Calder Park Thunder Dome
Caldwell, Kevin
California Racing Association
California, Racing in: SEE ALSO
names of specific tracks, ie, California Speedway
other topics under this heading
California, Racing in–History; SEE ALSO
names of specific tracks, ie, Carrell Speedway
Pacific Racing Association
California Speedway
Cameron, Bob
Cameras, In-Car; SEE ALSO Television Broadcasting
Campbell, Clay
Campbell, Kenneth; SEE ALSO Hensley Racing
Campbell, Red
Campbell, Wally
Campey, Jeff
Camping World Truck Series; SEE ALSO Craftsman Truck Series
Can-Am Motorsports Park
Can-Am Series; SEE Canadian-American Challenge Series
Cannabis Advertising
Canada, Racing in; SEE ALSO
NASCAR–International Exposure
Canadian-American Challenge Series
Canadian Association for Stock Car Racing; SEE CASCAR
Canadian Motor Speedway
Canadian Tire Series
Canandaigua Motorsports Park
Caney Valley Speedway
Cannon, Scotty
Capital Raceway
Capital Speedway; SEE Madison International Speedway
Capitani, Ralph; SEE ALSO Knoxville Raceway
Car Chiefs; SEE ALSO Crew Chiefs
Car Decals; SEE Decals, Car
Car Inspection; SEE Race Car Technical Inspection
Car Numbers
Car of Tomorrow; SEE ALSO Race Cars–Templates
Car Set-Up; SEE
Race Car Set-Up
Restrictor Plate Racing
Car Technical Inspection; SEE Race Car Technical Inspection
Caraway Speedway
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning; SEE ALSO Safety
Carden, Billy
Carey, Bob
Carlson, Steve
Carlton, Don
Carmichael, Rickey
Carnegie, Tom
Carolina Motorsports Park
Carolina Posse
Carolina Speedway
Carpentier, Patrick
Carrell Speedway
Carrera, La; SEE Road Racing–Mexico
Carrier, Larry; SEE Bristol Motor Speedway
Carroll, Lynn
Carroll Racing; SEE Hamilton, Bobby Jr.
CART; SEE Championship Auto Racing Teams
Carter, Luther
Carter, Pancho
Carter, Rags
Carter, Travis; SEE ALSO
Haas/Carter Motorsports
Travis Carter Race Team
Carteret County Speedway
Cartoons; SEE ALSO Humor
Caruth, Rajah
Cassill, Landon
Castles, Neil “Soapy”
Catania, Bill
Catlett, Larry
Catlin, Russ
Caution Flags
CBD; SEE Cannabis Advertising
Cedar Lake Speedway
Celebrations, Post-Race; SEE Post-Race Celebrations
Celebrities and Racing; SEE ALSO
Politicians and Racing
names of specific people, ie, Newman, Paul
Central New York Raceway Park
Century Club
Chamberlain, Gerald
Chambers, Matt
Champ Cars
Champ Dirt Car Racing
Champion, Bill
Champion, Cliff
Champion Raceway; SEE Bowman Gray Stadium
Champion Racing Association
Championship Auto Racing Teams
Chapman, Tommy
Chapman's Can-Am Motorsports Park; SEE Can-Am Motorsports Park
Charitable Activities; SEE ALSO
Victory Junction Gang Camp
Women’s Auxiliary of Motorsports
Charland, Rene
Charlotte County Motorsports Park
Charlotte Motor Speedway; SEE ALSO
Coca-Cola 600
Howard, Richard
Indy Racing League
Midget Auto Racing
Smith, Bruton
Wheeler, H. A. “Humpy”
Winston Race
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Speedway; SEE ALSO Board Tracks
Charter System (NASCAR)
Chase for the Cup; SEE
Nextel Cup Series
Sprint Cup Series
Chase Format
Chase, Mike
Cheating ; SEE ALSO
NASCAR-Policing the Sport
Race Teams--Orders to Drivers
Cheek, Tru
Chernokal, Walt
Cherokee Garage; SEE Hester, Billie
Cherokee Speedway
Cherry, Tom
Chevalier Family
Chevrolet; SEE ALSO
Chevrolet, Louis
Chevrolet Motorsports
Fishel, Herb
General Motors
Piggins, Vince
Chevrolet, Louis
Chevrolet Motorsports; SEE ALSO Chevrolet
Chicago International Amphitheater
Chicago Motor Speedway
Chicago, Races in; SEE ALSO
Chicago International Amphitheater
Chicago Motor Speedway
Chicago Speedway
Chicagoland Speedway
Chicago Speedway
Chicagoland Speedway
Children–Racing; SEE ALSO
Micro Stock Car Racing
Quarter Midget Racing
Childress, Richard; SEE ALSO Richard Childress Racing
Chimney Rock Hillclimb
Chip Ganassi Racing; SEE ALSO
Ganassi, Chip
Leffler, Jason
Chitwood, Joie
Choquette, Jack
Christian, Sara
Christopher, Ted
Chrysler Corporation; SEE ALSO
Kiekhaefer, Carl
Chrysler 300; SEE
Chrysler Corporation
Kiekhaefer, Carl
Church, Jody
Church, George
Church, Tyler
Cicci, Frank
Cicci-Welliver Racing; SEE ALSO
Cicci, Frank
Parker, Hank Jr.
Welliver Racing
Cincinnati Race Bowl
Cindric, Austin
Circuit of the Americas
Circle Bar Racing
Circle M Ranch Speedway
Cirillo, Larry
Clanton, Joey
Claremont Speedway
Clark, Art
Clark, Chris
Clark, Jim
Clark, Johnny
Clark, Spencer
Clay Andrews Racing
Clay County Fairgrounds
Clay Valley Speedway
Clearfield Speedway; SEE Raceway Park Clearfield PA
Cleary, Leo
Clements, Jeremy
Clements, Louis
Cleveland County Fairgrounds; SEE Historic Cleveland County Fair Speedway
Cleveland, Ohio, Racing in; SEE Ohio, Racing in
Clinard, Tommie
Clinton County Speedway; SEE
Racing for Heroes Raceway
Selinsgrove Speedway
Clinton Speedway (Iowa)
Cactus Derby
Cloce, Ed
Cloce, Tommy
Close, Lou
Cloverleaf Speedway
CNB Bank Raceway Park
Coastal Speedway
Coby, Doug
Cobb, Jennifer Jo
Coca-Cola 600; SEE ALSO
Charlotte Motor Speedway
Memorial Weekend Racing
Night Racing
Cochran motor Speedway
Coleman, Brad
Colella, T. C.
Coles, Ken
Collectibles; SEE ALSO
Collegiate Involvement in Racing; SEE ALSO
Collegiate Sponsors
Education Programs
Collegiate Sponsors; SEE ALSO
Collegiate Involvement in Racing
Colorado National Speedway
Colorado, Racing in
Colton, Bob; SEE ALSO Soft Walls
Colturi, Gary
Columbia Speedway
Columbus Speedway
Columbus Super Speedway
Colvin, Bob
Combs, Dean
Combs, Rodney
Comic Books, Strips, Etc.
Communication; SEE
Race Teams--Communication
Radios, In-Car
Competitive Racing; SEE ALSO NASCAR–Competitive Racing
Compton, H. Lewis
Compton, Stacy; SEE ALSO Melling Racing
Computer Racing; SEE Simulated Racing
Comstock, Howard
Concessions; SEE Racetrack Concessions
Concord Motor Speedway; SEE Concord Motorsport Park
Concord Motorsport Park
Concussions; SEE Medical Treatment
Confederate Flag
Conley, Delmas
Connell, Bill
Connor, Dennis
Connor, George
Connors, Paul
Conrad, Vince
Consumer Products; SEE
NASCAR–Consumer Products
Continental Divide Raceways
Contracts; SEE Drivers–Contracts
Contreras, Carlos
Convertible Races; SEE ALSO Daytona Beach, Races on
Conway, Kevin
Cook, Jerry
Cook, Jim
Cook, Ray
Cook, Terry
Cooper, Ronald
Cooper, Stanley Ray
Cooperation; SEE Race Teams-Cooperative Ventures
Coos Bay Speedway
Cope, Derrick
Copyright Guidelines
Corbin Motor Speedway
Corellis, Tommy
Corey, Pete
Corporate Exposure; SEE ALSO
Corporate Sponsors
Corporate Sponsors–Conflicts
Drivers and Public Relations
Product Endorsement
Corporate Sponsors; SEE ALSO
Corporate Exposure
Cost of Racing
Government Sponsors
Liquor Advertising
Military Sponsors
NASCAR–Corporate Relations
NASCAR-Sponsor Conflicts
NASCAR–Title Sponsors
Ride Buying
Sponsorship Marketing
Tobacco Advertising
other headings in this section, ie, Corporate Sponsors–Busch Series
Names of specific sponsors, ie, Du Pont
Corporate Sponsors–Busch Series
Corporate Sponsors–Conflicts
Corporate Sponsors–Racetracks
Corr, Sean
Cost of Racing; SEE ALSO
Corporate Sponsors
Economic Aspects
NASCAR–Economic Aspects
Race Teams–Economic Aspects
Cotter, Tom
Coulter, Joey
Country Clubs and Motorsports; SEE Motorsports Parks, Private
Coventry Rally; SEE Vintage Race Cars
COVID-19 Virus
Cowart, Delma
Coweta Raceway
Cox, Marion C.
Coyle, Bobby
Cozze, Frank
CRA; SEE Champion Racing Association
Crafton, Matt
Craftsman Truck Series; SEE ALSO Camping World Truck Series
Cram, Kevin
Cramer, Ann
Crashes; SEE ALSO
Danger of Auto Racing
Deaths, Track
Crate Engines
Crater, Larry
Craven, Ricky; SEE ALSO PPI Motorsports
Crawford, Ray
Crawford, Rick
Crawley, Tim
Crew Chiefs; SEE ALSO
Car Chiefs
Driver and Crew Chief Pairings
Pit Crews
Race Teams–Crews
names of specific crew chiefs
Crider, Curtis “Crawfish”
Crider, Duane "Critter"
Crisp, Floyd
Croatia, Racing in
Crocker, Erin
Crockett, Larret
Cronquist, Mark
Crosby, Kim
Crosley Automobile
Crouch, Junior
Crouch, Robbie
Crouse, Ed
Crowd Control; SEE Racetracks–Security
Crozier, Nelson
Crum, Jake
Crystal Raceway
Cultural Aspects; SEE ALSO
Automobile Racing–Sociological Interpretations
Drivers–Geographic Origin
Cumberland Speedway
Curb-Agajanian Motorsports
Curb, Mike; SEE ALSO Curb-Agajanian Motorsports
Curley, Tom
Cursing; SEE ALSO
Drivers--On-Track Behavior
Curtis, Ed
Cushman, Jim
Custer, Cole
Cutler, Lee
Cywinski, Kevin
Czech Republic, Racing In; SEE International Stock Car Racing
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