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Clippings File Subject Guide for the Stock Car Racing Collection: Subjects M

Stock Car RAcing Collection Clippings File Subjects, M


M 40 Speedway

Mach I Race Team

Mack, George

Mackey, B. J.

Mackison, Johnny Sr.

Macomb Fairgrounds

Macon County Fairgrounds

Macon Raceway–Bryon

Macon Speedway

MacTavish, Don

Maddox, John Henry

Mader, Dave

Madera Raceway

Madera Speedway (California)

Madison International Speedway

Magazines; SEE Racing Magazines

Maggiacomo, Jocko

Magic Valley Speedway

Mahoning Valley Speedway

Mais, Elfrieda

Makar, Jimmy

Malec, Ron

Mallett, Marcus

Mallory, A. J. “Nokie”

Malzahn, Bob

Manley, Bart

Manning, Skip

Mansell, Earl

Mansfield Motorsports Speedway

Mantz, Johnny

Manufacturers' Council (NASCAR)

Manus, Robin; SEE Orange County Fair Speedway

Manzanita Speedway


Marchese, Tom

Marchman, Hal

Marcis, Dave

Marcum, John; SEE ALSO ARCA

Marketing; SEE ALSO
            Corporate Sponsors

Markham, Curtis

Marks, Don

Marlar, Mike

Marlin, Coo Coo; SEE ALSO Marlin Family

Marlin Family

Marlin, Steadman

Marlin, Sterling; SEE ALSO
            Junior Johnson Race Team
            Melling Racing
            Stavola Brothers Racing Team

Maroubra Speedway

Mars, Jimmy

Marsh Racing

Marshfield Motor Speedway

Martel, Jim

Martin, Billy

Martin, Don

Martin, Eric

Martin, Mark; SEE ALSO Roush Racing

Martin, Matt

Martin-McClure Racing

Martinsville Speedway; SEE ALSO
            Earles, H. Clay
            Short Tracks
            Thompson, Dick

Mary Hill Loops

Maryland, Racing in

Mason-Dixon Speedway

Mason, John

Mass Media; SEE Media

Mast, Rick; SEE ALSO Precision Products Racing Team

Matthews, Banjo

Matthews, Jody

Mattioli, Joe

Mattoli, Rose

May, Dick

Mayfield, Jeremy

Mayne, Roy

Mays, Rex

Mazda Racing

MB Motorsports

MB2 Motorsports; SEE ALSO Ginn Racing

McAnally, Bill; SEE ALSO Orleans Racing

McBride, M. J.

McCall, Matt

McCall, Robin

McCarthy, Bill

McCarthy, Joe

McCarty, Bobby

McCaughey, Rick

McClure, Eric

McClure, Jeff

McClure, Larry; SEE ALSO Morgan-McClure Motorsports

McCord, Kip

McCormick Field

McCoy, David

McCoy, Ernie

McCoy, Jack

McCray, Rick

McCreadie, Bob

McCreadie, Tim

McCumbee, Chad

McCurdy, Sonny

McDonald, Marion

McDonough County Fairgrounds

McDowell, Dale

McDowell, Michael

McDuffie, J. D.

McFarland, Mark

McGee, Kermit; SEE Jones and McGee Motorsports

McGee, Royce; SEE ALSO Richard Childress Racing

McGinnis, Bob

McGlynn Motorsports

McGlynn, Ryan

McGrath, Jack

McGrew, Lance

McGriff, Hershel

McGuire, Michael

McGuire, Wayne

McKarns Family; SEE ALSO McKarns, John

McKarns, John; SEE ALSO McKarns Family

McKennedy, Jonathan

McKim, Buz

McKinney, Bobby

McLaren, Bruce

McLaughlin, Jackie

McLaughlin, Mike

McLemore, Henry

McMurray, Jamie

McQuagg, Sam

McReynolds, Brandon

McReynolds, Larry

McSwain, Michael; SEE ALSO Robert Yates Racing

Meadowdale International Raceway

Means, Jimmy

Mears, Casey

Mears, Rick


            NASCAR–Media Holdings
            Racing Magazines
            Radio Broadcasting
            Radio Programs
            Social Media
            Television Broadcasting
            Television Programs
            names of specific people, ie, Punch, Jerry

Medical Treatment

Meendering, Jeff

Mehl, Leo; SEE Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

Melius, Miles

Melling, Harry; SEE ALSO Melling Racing

Melling, Mark; SEE ALSO Melling Racing

Melling Racing

Memorial Weekend Racing

Memphis-Arkansas Speedway

Memphis International Raceway

Memphis Motorsports Park; SEE Memphis International Raceway

Menard, Paul

Mendelsohn, Larry

Merced Speedway

Mercer Speedway

Merchandise--Licensing; SEE ALSO


Meridian Speedway

Merritt, Rex

Merrittville Speedway

Mesa Marin Raceway

Meshkin, Alex

Metcalfe, Morris

Metrolina Speed and Sports Center

Metroline Speedway; SEE Metroline Speed and Sports Center

Mexico, Racing in; SEE NASCAR–International Exposure

Meyer, Louie

Miami-Fulford Speedway

Miami Homestead Speedway; SEE Homestead-Miami Speedway

Michael Waltrip Racing

Michaud, Jean Guy

Michel, Dave

Michels, Thomas “Rip”

Michigan International Speedway

Micro Midget Racing

Micro Sprint Racing

Micro Stock Car Racing

Microd; SEE Micro Stock Car Racing

Mid-American Stock Car Series

Mid-Atlantic Asphalt Racing Alliance

Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course

Middle Georgia Raceway; SEE Macon Raceway–Bryon

Midget Auto Racing; SEE ALSO
            Half Midget Racing
            Micro Midget Racing
            Quarter Midget Racing
            names of specific associations and racetracks, ie, Northeastern Midget Association

Midweek Racing

Midwest Late Model Dirt Track Championship

Midwest, Racing in

Midwest Sprint Association

Mihalic, Joe

Mikel, John

Milan Dragway

Miley Family

Military Sponsors; SEE ALSO
            Corporate Sponsors
            Government Sponsors

Millbridge Speedway

Miller, Bill

Miller, Butch; SEE ALSO Throop Racing

Miller, Chase

Miller, David; SEE Diamond Dave Racing

Miller, Don

Miller, Harry A.

Miller, Johnny

Miller, Junior

Miller, L. W.

Miller, Matt

Miller, Mike

Miller Motorsports Park

Miller, Terry

Millican, Clay

Millikan, Joe

Mills, JHames "Moonshine"

Milwaukee Mile

Mims, Donna Mae

Mincey, Charlie

Mind Games; SEE Automobile Racing--Psychological Aspects

Mines Field

Miniature Motorsports Racing Association; SEE ALSO Micro Stock Car Racing

Minicup Racing

Minnesota, Racing in

Minorities in Racing; SEE ALSO
            Drivers, African-American
            Drivers, Female
            Drivers, International
            Gold and Glory Sweepstakes
            LGBTQ Inclusion
            Minority-Owned Race Teams
            names of specific people, ie, Wendell Scott
            names of specific teams, ie, BH Motorsports
            other subjects in this section

Minorities in Racing–Georgia; SEE ALSO
            Minorities in Racing

Minority-Owned Race Teams

Miss Winston; SEE Trophy Queens

Mississippi Valley Amusement Park; SEE Davenport Speedway

Mississippi Valley Auto Racing Association

Mitchell, Beau

Mitchell, Dustin

Mitchum, Chris

MMRA; SEE Miniature Motorsports Racing Association

Mobley, Ethel Flock

Mod-Lites; SEE ALSO Modified Racing

Model T Racing; SEE ALSO Jalopy Racing

Modified Racing; SEE ALSO
            All Star Racing League
            American Motor Racing Association
            Eastern States 200
            Featherlite Modified Series
            Modified Special Division (NASCAR)
            Rolling Thunder Modified Auto Racing Series
            Southern Modified Auto Racing Teams
            Super Modified Racing
            United States Modified Touring Series
            Whelen Modified Tour        

Moffitt, Brett

Mohawk International Raceway

Moise, Patty

Moler Raceway Park

Moltz, Dillon

Monadnock Speedway

Monsam, John

Monster Energy

Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series

Montana, Racing in

Montgomery Motorspeedway

Montoya, Juan Pablo

Montpelier Motor Speedway

Moody, Dave

Moody, Ralph; SEE ALSO Holman-Moody

Moon, Tommy

Moonshine; SEE
            Distilling, Illicit
            Distilling, Legal
            Moonshine Cars

Moonshine Cars

Moonshiners and Revenuers Reunion

Moore, Bob

Moore, Bud; SEE ALSO Bud Moore Race Team

Moore, Carl; SEE Bristol Motor Speedway

Moore, Dean

Moore, Greg  SEE ALSO Bud Moore Race Team

Moore, Larry

Moore, Lloyd

Moore, Paul “Little Bud”

Mooresville, North Carolina

Moose, John

Morese, Jerry

Morgan/Dollar Motorsports

Morgan-McClure Motorsports; SEE ALSO
            Irvan, Ernie
            McClure, Larry
            Purvis, Jeff

Morgan, Rob; SEE ALSO Morgan/Dollar Motorsports

Morgan, Tommy

Moriarty, Joey

Moroso, Dick

Moroso, Rob

Morris, Philip

Morse, Harold

Morten, Bill

Morter, Molly

Mosteller, Jimmy

Mosteller, Lee

Motor Homes

Motor Mile Speedway

Motor Oil

Motor Racing Network; SEE ALSO
            Radio Broadcasting
            Television Broadcasting

Motor Racing Outreach; SEE ALSO
            Grubba, Dale
            Religious Programs

Motordrome Speedway

Motorsports Companies

Motorsports Expositions

Motorsports Hall of Fame of America

Motorsports Parks, Private

Mount Clemens Race Track

Mount Lawn Speedway

Mount Vernon Raceway

Mountain Racing

Mountain Speedway

Mountain View Speedway

Movies; SEE Films

Moyer, Billy

Moyer, Carl

Moyer, Russ

            Motor Racing Network
            Radio Broadcasting

MRO: SEE Motor Racing Outreach

MSR Houston

Mulberry Motorsports; SEE ALSO Goble, Josh

Muldowney, Shirley

Muller, Bob

Mulligan, Whip

Multicar Race Teams; SEE Race Teams, Multicar

Munari, Dave

Mundy, Frank

Murphy, Jimmy

Murphy, Paula

Murphy, Tim

Museums; SEE ALSO
            Darlington Raceway Stock Car Museum
            Georgia Racing Hall of Fame
            International Motorsports Hall of Fame (IMHOF)
            Motorsports Hall of Fame of America
            NASCAR Hall of Fame
            North Carolina Auto Racing Hall of Fame
            Richard Petty Museum
            West Coast Stock Car Hall of Fame

Musgrave, Ted; SEE ALSO  Roush Racing


Music City Motorplex

Music City Raceway

Mutual Funds

Muzny, Candace

Myers, Billy

Myers, Burt; SEE ALSO Bowman Gray Stadium

Myers, Danny “Chocolate”

Myers Family

Myers, Jason

Myers, Todd

Myrtle Beach Speedway



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Suzanne Wise
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Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608-2026
tel: 828-262-2798

Curator of the Stock Car Racing Collection