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Clippings File Subject Guide for the Stock Car Racing Collection: Subjects G

Stock Car Racing Collection Clippings Fle Subjects, G


Gahan, Ernie

Gainesville Speedway

Gale, Tommy 

Gallagher, Spencer

Gallatin Speedway

Galles Racing

Gallo, Sammy

Gamble, Don

Gambler Race Car

Gamblers Raceway Park


Ganassi, Chip; SEE ALSO Chip Ganassi Racing

Gant, Harry; SEE ALSO Mach I Race Team

Gappens, Jerry 

Garage Access

Gardena Speedway

Gardner, Bill 

Gardner, Rich

Garlits, Don 

Garrison, Doug 

Garvey, Mike 

Gasoline; SEE ALSO
            Green Initiatives
            Union Oil Company
            Sunoco, Inc.

Gasoline Alley

Gasoline Mileage 

Gasoline Shortages

Gasser, Kari

Gateway International Raceway; SEE Gateway Motorsports Park

Gateway Motorsports Park

Gatien, Bob

Gaughan, Brendan

Gaughan, Michael; SEE ALSO Orleans Racing

Gaulding, Gray

Gawlinski, Frank

Gays and Racing

Gazaway, Bill 

Gee, Robert 

Gehrke, Christopher

Geisler, Lynn 

Gen-6 Car; SEE ALSO Race Cars--Templates

General Motors; SEE ALSO

Genesee Speedway

Genzman, Andy 

George, Del

George, Elmer

George, Jill

George, Tony 

Georgetown Speedway

Georgia Racing Hall of Fame

Georgia, Racing in; SEE ALSO Drivers, Pioneer–Georgia

Gerber, Johnny

Gerhart, Bobby

Geschickter, Jodi

Gibbs, Coy; SEE ALSO Gibbs Family

Gibbs Family

Gibbs, J. D.; SEE ALSO Gibbs Family

Gibbs, Joe; SEE ALSO
            Gibbs Family
            Joe Gibbs Racing

Gibbs, Mickey

Gibbs, Ty

Gibson, Edgar H. “Hoot” 

Gibson, Mark

Gibson, Trey

Gill, Bobby 

Gill, Danny 

Gillett Evernham Motorsports; SEE ALSO Evernham Motorsports

Gilliland, Butch 

Gilliland, David

Gilliland, Todd

Gilmore Family

Gilmore Stadium

Ginn, Bobby; SEE ALSO Ginn Racing

Ginn Racing; SEE ALSO
            Ginn, Bobby
            Race Teams–Mergers

Girill, Augie

Gise, Frank

Glanville, Jerry

Glass, Cheryl 

Glen Ridge Motorsports Park

Glick, Shav

Glidden Tour; SEE Vintage Race Cars

Glotzbach, Charlie

Glover, Gene

Glover, Tony; SEE ALSO Morgan-McClure Motorsports

Gloy, Tom; SEE ALSO Gloy/Rahal Racing

Gloy/Rahal Racing

Glynn Motorsports

Go Canada Racing

Goble, Josh; SEE ALSO Mulberry Motorsports

Gobrecht Family

Goede, Jacob

Goess, Craig

Goeters, Jorge 

Gold and Glory Sweepstakes; SEE ALSO Minorities in Racing

Gold, Eli 

Goldsmith, Paul 

Gong Show; SEE Drivers–Scouting

Goodrich, B. F.; SEE  B. F.Goodrich

Goodwood Festival of Speed 

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company; SEE ALSO Tires

Goody’s Dash Series

Gordon, Al

Gordon Bennett Cup

Gordon, Brooke; SEE ALSO Gordon, Jeff

Gordon, Cecil 

Gordon, Dale

Gordon, Jeff; SEE ALSO
            Gordon, Brooke
            Hendrick Motorsports

Gordon, Robby 

Gordon, Tina 

Gore, Dick

Goss, Randy; SEE ALSO Roush Racing

Gossage, Eddie; SEE ALSO Texas Motor Speedway

Gosselin, Mario

Gotoff, Ben

Government Regulations

Government Sponsors; SEE ALSO Military Sponsors

Graf, Klaus

Gragson, Noah

Granatelli, Andy

Grand American Division

Grand American Racing Association; SEE ALSO Sports Car Racing

Grand Bend Motorplex

Grand Island Grand Prix

Grand National Division East Series and West Series (NASCAR)

Grand National Racing Wives Auxiliary; SEE Women’s Auxiliary of Motorsports

Grand National Series; SEE ALSO
            Busch Grand National Series
            Nextel Cup Series
            Winston Cup Series

Grand National Series–Race Schedule 

Grand Prix of Long Beach; SEE Long Beach, Grand Prix of

Grand Rapids Speedrome

Grand Touring Division; SEE Grand American Division

Grandfather Mountain Hill Climb

Grandview Speedway

Granger, Gene

Granite City Speedway

Grant, Coleman L. “Crash” 

Graves, Andy 

Graves, Fred

Gray, Johnny

Grbac, Mike

Great Race

Great Britain, Racing in; SEE ALSO International Stock Car Racing

Greater Johnstown Speedway

Green (Color); SEE Superstition

Green, David 

Green Family

Green Flag Finishes  

Green Initiatives: SEE ALSO Gasoline

Green, Jeff 

Green Racing

Green Valley Speedway

Green-White-Checkered Race Finishes: SEE Race Finishes

Greenawalt, Dick

Greene, Bill 

Greenhouse; SEE Safety

Greenville Motor Speedway (Ohio)

Greenville-Pickens Speedway 

Greenwell, Mike

Gregg, Bob 

Gregg, Peter 

Gregory, R. L.

Gresham Motorsports Park

Griffin, Pee Wee

Grim, Bobby

Grimes, Hoyt

Grinestaff, Charlie

Grinnan, Al

Grissom Family; SEE ALSO Grissom, Steve

Grissom, Steve; SEE ALSO Grissom Family

Gross, Mike 

Group A Series 

Grubb, Darian

Grubb, Kevin

Grubba, Dale

Grum, Johnny

Grundy County Speedway

GT Racing

Gugelmin, Mauricio; SEE PacWest Racing Group

Gunn, Jack 

Gurney, Dan

Guthrie, Janet 

Guy, Jay 

Gwynn, Darrell


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Suzanne Wise
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Appalachian State University
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tel: 828-262-2798

Curator of the Stock Car Racing Collection