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RM 4210 Senior Seminar: Finding Employment in Recreation & Leisure: Search the Internet for Other Job Ads

This guide provides URLs and basic search steps for sites that list job openings in recreation and leisure. It also lists some print sources of job listings; these sources can be found in Belk Library and Information Commons.

Search the Web using Exalead and a proximity operator

Exalead: connect the dots

Choose Advanced Search.

In the drop-down menu, under "What are you looking for?" choose Proximity Search.

Use the NEXT command to find one word or phrase next to, or within a few words of, another word or phrase. Type in your word or phrase on either side of the NEXT command that the search form provides.


recreation* NEXT jobs

"whitewater rafting" NEXT employment

Note: The * is a truncation character. It will find recreation or recreational or recreationist

Note: To search for a phrase, enclose it in quotation marks