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Appalachian History: Research Help

A guide to historical primary sources created about and by the Appalachian region.

Special Collections Research Aids

Browse this list of research aids for secondary-source resources on a wide variety of Appalachian-related subjects:

Citing Your Sources

A citation is a record of where you encountered a certain idea. Citing your sources helps other scholars track down resources they find of interest. Proper citation helps us all build on our knowledge!

Writing Resources

University Writing Center at Appalachian State
A free resource for students, faculty, and the local community, offering support on variety of writing projects: papers for academic courses; masters and senior thesis chapters; personal essays for job, graduate school, and law school applications.

The Owl at Purdue
Offers information on the entire writing process from conducting research to citation styles and grammar.

Duke Libraries Guide to Research
Provides guidance during the research process and stresses the importance of properly citing resources to avoid plagiarism. 

History Writing Guides

A Pocket Guide to Writing in History / Mary Lynn Rampolla
Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007
ASU MAIN STACKS: D13 .R295 2007
ASU REF: D13 .R295 2007

Reference & Instruction Archivist

Profile Photo
Greta Browning

Office: Belk Library 433