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Communication Sciences and Disorders: CSD 5532

Overview of CSD Journals

You will find many useful journals as you search on your topics.  Also see Scimago and Google Scholar lists of top journals (with appropriate skepticism). 

If you see a journal that you'd like to explore, one method is to search e-Journals on the library page.  In the results, I usually prefer the publisher's version, if we have it. And we just got Browzine in summer 2023.  Try it.

We don't have everything, and some we only have with an embargo, such as 12 month delay.  Try out our ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service.

CSD Journals

You can find and access full text of each one using PubMed, CINAHL, Google Scholar or other databases.

Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools (ASHA)

CINAHL link  but I recommend the ASHA Wire link above.

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (ASHA)

CINAHL link  but I recommend the ASHA Wire link above.

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Springer)

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (ASHA)

CINAHL link  but I recommend the ASHA Wire link above.

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Elsevier)

Dysphagia (Springer)

Journal of Communication Disorders (Elsevier)

ASHA Leader (ASHA -- this one is not peer-reviewed)

International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Elsevier)

Autism (Sage)

Journal of Fluency Disorders (Elsevier)

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (Sage)

American Journal of Audiology (ASHA. We only have this on through CINAHL.)

Ear and Hearing (Ovid)

Topics in Language Disorders (Ovid)

A Few Pediatrics Journals

Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853