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REL 3715: Biblical Interpretation: Searching WorldCat

Finding Books related to Biblical Interpretation in WorldCat

WorldCat is a catalog of over 40 million books, dissertations, serials, audiovisual media, conference proceedings, and computer files from 17,000 libraries around the world. Electronic interlibrary loan requesting is available for qualified patrons. WorldCat is not an index to journal articles but it does have periodical titles.  There are a couple of different paths to Worldcat and there are a couple of different ways that you can search.  When you go through the ASU's list of databases and search under "W" for Worldcat, choose the path that does not say "UNC Library Express."


1) To search WorldCat by scripture references:

1.     Go to "Advanced Search" and use the following syntax:

2.     In first field enter "Bible" and choose "subject phrase in the drop-down box on the right.

3.     In second field: "N.T." and choose "subject phrase"

4.     In third field: "Corinthians, 1st, 13" and choose "subject phrase"

5.     Click on "Search" and you will get related articles.


2) To view and select according to a range of scripture references:

1.     Go to "Advanced Search"

2.     In first field enter: " Corinthians, 1st, 13" and choose "subject phrase."

3.     Click on the black "index button" to the right of the "subject phrase" box.

4.     You will see that under "Corinthians 1st 13" there are a "count" of entries.

5.     Looking below that, you can find entries listed under various verse or chapter ranges.  (Some of these listings are not very accurate.)

To see, for instance, the entry under "Corinthians 1st 13 1 6," click on that hyperlink.  Then at the following search screen, click on the "Search" button, and you will find a work on 1 Cor 13:1-6.

Use WorldCat to get Books form Other Libraries through ILL

You can request books found in WorldCat.

Follow the link in the item record that offers the option to make an ILLiad requst.  You may have to set up an Illiad account if you have not done so.  If needed follow that link as well.

Social Sciences Librarian

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Allan Scherlen
Belk Library, Office no. 224
P.O. Box 32026
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608