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eBook Collections: OverDrive

Guide for finding and using eBooks

What are OverDrive and Libby?

OverDrive is a platform that allows Appalachian State University faculty, students and staff to borrow ebooks and audiobooks and download them to computers and portable devices. Libby is the app for OverDrive.

Overdrive     Libby icon

Users will need a current ASU userID (email and workstation login) and password to check out Ebooks and Audiobooks from OverDrive/Libby.


Technology Required

OverDrive Resources/Help

OverDrive eBooks and AudioBooks

You can read or listen to OverDrive titles on most popular devices, including your Mac or Windows computer, iPad or other Apple device, Kindle, Sony Reader, Nook, and more.  For a full list of devices and their compatibility, visit the OverDrive Device Profiles.

You can check out and download the following types of digital materials using Overdrive:

  • Adobe® PDF eBook
  • Adobe® EPUB eBook
  • Kindle Book
  • OverDrive READ
  • OverDrive WMA Audiobook
  • OverDrive MP3 Audiobook

OverDrive App

Get the app.

overdrive app advertisement

Getting Started with OverDrive - Video

Borrowing OverDrive eBooks

ASU UserID and Password
Users nees a current ASU userID (email and workstation login) and password to check out OverDrive eBooks.

OverDrive Account
Create an OverDrive account from their mobile app; this is a separate account from your ASU account.

Checkout Limit
A user may have up to three ebooks checked out at one time.

Lending Period
21 days. Books are automatically returned on the due date, but can be returned early.

A user can place three holds (add a book to their Waiting List).

Hold Pickup Period
Three days: the number of days after the email notification is sent that the user has to retrieve their title.

Overdrive at Watauga County Library

The Watauga County Public Library also has Overdrive ebooks.  Many AppState people may have access to that collection.  They have a nice collection of popular ebooks.

Health Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853