Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport. 3 vols. Reference GV567 B48 2005
Encyclopedia of Sports in America: A History from Foot Races to Extreme Sports. 2 vols. GV583 2009
Light, Jonathan Fraser. The Cultural Encyclopedia of Baseball. 2d ed. Reference GV862.3 L54 2005
Maguire, Joseph, ed. Social Sciences in Sport: An Interdisciplinary Approach Covering Identity, Community, Capital, Governance. GV706.5 S642 2014. Chapters cover these aspects of sport: history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology geography,media studies, economics, political science, international relations, law,social policy, management studies, and education.
Pope, S. W., and John Nauright, eds. Routledge Companion to Sports History. GV571 R68 2010.
Sports in America from Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century: An Encyclopedia. 3 vols. Reference GV583 S68588 2011
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