Listed here are selected movies that delve into socio-cutural issues of sports history. For more, see Encyclopedia of Sports Films. PN1995.9 S67 E34 2011.
Bigger Stronger Faster. ASU Movies RC1230 B544 2008. Examines cheating and what society considers acceptable behavior in order to win.
Friday Night Lights. ASU Movies PN1997 ENGL F753 2004 High school football in Texas.
Girl Wrestler. ASU Movies GV1196.2 W66 G57 2004 Female high school wrestler in Texas.
Girlfight. ASU Movies PN1997 ENGL G563 2000.
Glory Road. ASU Movies PN1997 ENGL G476 2006. Story of the Texas Western Miners, who started five African-Americans in the 1966 NCAA tournament.
Hoop Dreams. ASU Movies GV884 A1 H66 2005. Documentary of two inner-city basketball players.
Idols of the Game. ASU Movies VC9525. 3 parts. Twentieth century sports heroes and their impact on society.
Million Dollar Baby. ASU Movies PN1997 ENGL C556 2010 Disc 17. Female boxing, directed by Clint Eastwood.
Murderball. ASU Movies GV945 M87 2005. Documentary about men's wheelchair rugby.
Not Just a Game. ASU Movies GV706.35 N899 2010. A look at the relationship between politics and sports.
Olympia. ASU Movies GV722 1936 O34 2008. Leni Riefenstahl's classic film of the 136 Olympic Games in Berlin.
On the Ropes. ASU Movies GV1125 O5 2000. Documentary of aspiring boxers training at Bed-Stuy Boxing Center in Brooklyn, NY.
Playing Unfiar: The Media Image of the Female Athlete. ASU Movies GV709 P53 2003. Examines post-Title IX representation of female athletes in mainstream media.
Sugar. ASU Movies PN1997 SPAN S84 2009. A young Dominican Republic baseball player in the U.S. professional baseball system.
When We Were Kings. ASU Movies GV1132 W445 1997.Story of "the rumble in the jungle," the 1974 Ali-Forman fight in Zaire.