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CI 5750 Teaching Diverse Young Adolescents: Annotated Bibliographies & Lit Reviews

Annotated Bibliography

What is an annotated bibliography?  It provides:

  • An account of the research that has been done on a given topic
  • An alphabetical list of research sources
  • Concise information about each source

What does the annotation include?

  • Complete bibliographic information in APA Style 6th edition
  • Main focus or purpose of the work
  • Information on the scope and approach of the work
  • Details on what kind of information can be found in the sourc
  • Usefulness of the source based on the coverage of the topic
  • Notable aspects of the source


Literature Review

This 10-minute tutorial focuses on what a literature review is and what it means to review the literature.

Tutorial - Literature review:  An overview for graduate students

IMC Librarian

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Margaret Gregor