Abrams, Jerold J., ed. The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick. PN1998.3 K83 P55 2007.
Arp, Robert, ed. Homeland and Philosophy: For Your Minds Only. PN1992.77 H615 H66 2014.
Arp, Robert, ed. The Philosophy of Ang Lee. PN1998.3 L438 P48 2013.
Arp, Robert, ed. Psych and Philosophy: Some Dark Juju-Magumbo. PN1992.3 U6 P79 2013.
Arp, Robert, ed. South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today. PN1992.77 S665 S68 2001.
Arp, Robert, ed. The X-Files and Philosophy: The Truth Is in Here. PN1992.77 X22 X157 2017.
Baggett, David, and William A. Drumin, eds. Hitchcock and Philosophy: Dial M for Metaphysics. PN1998.3 H68 H53 2007.
Baltzer-Jaray, and Robert Arp, eds. Good Wife and Philosophy: Temptations of Saint Alicia. PN1992.77 G66 2013.
Barkman, Adam, and Robert Arp, eds. Downton Abbey and Philosophy: Thinking in That Manor. 2015.
Bassler, O. Bradley. Diagnosing Contemporary Philosophy with the Matrix Movies. 2016.
Botz-Bornstein, ed. Inception and Philosophy: Ideas to Die For. PN1997.2 I62 I58 2011.
Bzdak, David, et al, eds. The Wire and Philosophy: This America, Man. PN1992.77 W53 W525 2013.
Conard, Mark T., ed. The Philosophy of Film Noir. PN1995.9 F54 P44 2007.
Conard, Mark T., ed. The Philosophy of Martin Scorsese. PN1998.3 S39 P55 2007.
Conard, Mark T., and Aeon J. Skoble, eds. Woody Allen and Philosophy: You Mean My Whole Fallacy Is Wrong? PN1998.3 A45 W67 2004.
Constable, Catherine. Adapting Philosophy: Jean Baudrillard and The Matrix Trilogy. PN1997 M395 C66 2009.
Decker, Kevin S., and Jason T. Eberl, eds. Star Wars and Philosophy: More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. 2005.
Decker, Kevin S., and Jason T. Eberl, eds. The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy: The Search for Socrates. PN1992.8 S74 U58 2016.
Decker, Kevin S., David R. Koepsell, and Robert Arp, eds. Philosophy and Breaking Bad. PN1992.77 B74 P45 2017.
Decker, Kevin S. Who is Who? The Philosophy of Doctor Who. PN1992.77 D6273 D43 2013.
Dunn, George A., and Nicholas MIchaud, eds. The Hunger Games and Philosophy: A Critique of Pure Treason. 2012.
Eberl, Jason T., ed. Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Knowledge Here Begins Out There. PN1992.77 B354 B38 2008.
Eberl, Jason T., and Kevin S. Decker, eds. Star Trek and Philosophy: The Wrath of Kant. Also available in print, PN1992.8 S74 S727 2008.
Eberl, Jason T., and Kevin S. Decker, eds. The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. PN1995.9 S695 U46 2015.
Ewing, Jeffrey, ed. Alien and Philosophy: I Infest, Therefore I Am. PN1997 A32253 A45 2017.
Foresman, Galen A., ed. Supernatural and Philosophy: Metaphysics and Monsters...for Idjits. PN1992.77 S84 S87 2013.
Fosl, Peter S., ed. The Big Lebowski and Philosophy: Keeping Your Mind Limber with Abiding Wisdom. PN1997 B444 B54 2012
Foy, Joseph F. Spongebob Squarepants and Philosophy: Soaking Up Secrets Under the Sea! PN1992.77 S68 S68 2011.
Gracia, Jorge J. E., ed. Mel Gibson's Passion and Philosophy: The Cross, the Questions, the Controversy. PN1997.2 P39 M35 2004.
Graham, Jacob, and Tom Sparrow, eds. True Detective and Philosophy: A Deeper Kind of Darkness. 2018.
Greene, Richard, et al., eds. Dexter and Philosophy: Mind Over Spatter. PN1992.77 D495 D47 2011.
Greene, Richard, and K. Silem Mohammad, eds. Quentin Tarantino and Philosophy: How to Philosophize with a Pair of Pliers and a Blowtorch. PN1998.3 T358 Q46 2007.
Greene, Richard, and Rachel Robison-Greene, eds. American Horror Story and Philosophy: Life Is but a Nightmare. 2018. Another copy Here.
Greene, Richard, and Rachel Robison-Greene, eds. Boardwalk Empire and Philosophy: Bootleg This Book. BH302 G384 2013.
Greene, Richard, and Rachel Robison-Greene, eds. Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy: Last Exit from LItchfield. PN1992.77 O735 O73 2015.
Greene, Richard, and Rachel Robison-Greene, eds. Mr. Robot and Philosophy: Beyond Good and Evil Corp. PN1992.77 M767 M77 2017.
Greene, Richard, and Rachel Robison-Greene, eds. Orphan Black and Philosophy: Grand Theft DNA. PN1992.77 O75 O77 2016.
Greene, Richard, and Rachel Robison-Greene, eds. Twin Peaks and Philosophy: That's Damn Fine Philosophy! PN1992.77 T88 T85 2018.
Greene, Richard, and Peter Vernezze, eds. The Sopranos and Philosophy: I Kill Therefore I Am. PN1992.77 S66 S67 2004.
Hackett, J. Edward, ed. House of Cards and Philosophy: Underwood's Republic. PN1992.77 H634 H68 2015.
Hanley, Richard. The Metaphysics of Star Trek. BD111 H24 1997.
Hanley, Richard, ed. South Park and Philosophy: Bigger, Longer, and More Penetrating. PN1992.77 S665 S67 2007.
Hardcastle, Gary L., and George A. Reisch, eds. Monty Python and Philosophy: Nudge Nudge, Think Think!. 2006.
Held, Jacob M., and James B. South, eds. James Bond and Philosophy: Questions Are Forever. PR6057 L4 Z73 2006.
Herzogenrath, Bernd, ed. Film as Philosophy. PN1995 F457545 2017.
Hibbs, Thomas. S. Shows About Nothing: Nihilism in Popular Culture. PN1995.9 N55 H53 2012.
Holt, Jason, ed. The Daily Show and Philosophy: Moments of Zen in the Art of Fake News. PN1992.77 D28 D35 2007.
Hunt, Roger, and Robert Arp, eds. It's Always Sunny and Philosophy: The Gang Gets Analyzed. PN1992.77 I8635 I82 2015.
Huss, John, ed. Planet of the Apes and Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike. PN1995.9 P495 P49 2013.
Irwin, Wlliam, ed. The Matrix and Philosophy: Welcome to the Desert of the Real. PN1997 M395 M38 2002.
Irwin, William, ed. More Matrix and Philosophy: Revolutions and Reloaded Decoded. PN1997 M395 M67 2005.
Irwin, William, ed. Seinfeld and Philosophy: A Book about Everything and Nothing. B68 S44 2000.
Irwin, William, et al. The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer. B68 S55 2001.
Jacoby, Henry, ed. House and Philosophy: Everybody Lies. 2009.
Kaye, Sharon M., ed. Lost and Philosophy: The Island Has Its Reasons. PN1992.77 L67 L67 2008.
Kaye, Sharon, ed. e. The Ultimate Lost and Philosophy: Think Together, Die Alone. PN1992.77 L67 U48 2011.
Koepsell, David R., and Robert Arp, eds. Breaking Bad and Philosophy: Badder Living through Chemistry. PN1992.77 B74 B74 2012.
Kowalski, Dean, ed. The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke. PN1992.77 B485 B54 2012.
Lawler, James M. The God Tube: Uncovering the Hidden Spiritual Message in Pop Culture. PN1995.9 R4 L39 2010.
Layton, David. The Humanism of Doctor Who: A Critical Study in Science Fiction and Philosophy. PN1992.77 D6273 L39 2012.
Lewis, Courtland, and Paula Smithka, eds. Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside. 2010.
Litch, Mary M., and Amy Karofsky. Philosophy through Film. 3rd ed. PN1995.9 P42 L58 2014.
McMahon, Jennifer L., ed. The Philosophy of Tim Burton. PN1998.3 B875 P55 2014.
Michaud, Nicolas. ed. Adventure Time and Philosophy: The Handbook for Heroes. 2015. Another copy available HERE.
Michaud, NIcolas, and Jacob Thomas May, eds. Deadpool and Philosophy: My Common Sense is Tingling. PN6728 D3574 D43 2017.
Michaud, NIcolas, and Jessica Watkins, eds. Jurassic Park and Philosophy: The Truth is Terrifying. PN1997 J833 J87 2014.
Mohr, Eric J., and Holly K. Mohr, eds. Mister Rogers and Philosophy: Wandering through the Neighborhood. PN1992.4 R56 M566 2020.
More Doctor Who and Philosophy. PN1992.77 D6273 M67 2015.
Ni Fhlainn, Sorcha. The Worlds of Back to the Future: Critical Essays on the Films. PN1997 B1935 W67 2010.
Nicholas, Jeffery, ed. Dune and Philosophy: Weirding Way of the Mentat. 2011.
Ralkowski, Mark, ed. Curb Your Enthusiasm and Philosophy: Awaken the Social Assassin Within. PN1992.77 C87 C87 2012.
Rivera, Heather L., and Alexander E. Hooke, eds. The Twilight Zone and Philosophy: A dangerous Dimension to Visit. PN1992.77 T87 T95 2019.
Sanders, Steven M., ed. The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film. PN1995.9 S26 P49 2008.
Schneider, Susan, ed. Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence. 2d. ed. PN3433.6 S377 2016.
Shanahan, Timothy. Philosophy and Blade Runner. PN1997 B596 S53 2014.
Smith, William G. Plato and Popcorn: A Philosopher's Guide to 75 Thought-Provoking Movies. PN1997.8 S63 2004.
Smith, William G. Socrates and Subtitles: A Philosopher's Guide to 95 Thought-Provoking Movies from Around the World. PN1995.9 P42 S68 2010.
South, James B., ed. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Also available in print, PN1992.77 B84 B835 2003.
Steiff, Josef, ed. Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy: The Footprints of a Gigantic Mind. 2011. Analysis of movie and tv versions of Sherlock Holmes tales.
Steiff, Josef, and Tristan D. Tamplin. Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder. NC1766 J3 A53 2010.
Steiff, Josef, and Tristan D. Tamplin, eds. Battlestar Galacta and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up? PN1992.77 B353 B38 2008.
Weed, Jennifer Hart, Richard Davis, and Ronald Weed, eds. 24 and Philosophy: The World According to Jack. PN1992.77 A215 A215 2008.
White, Mark D., ed. Superman and Philosophy: What Would the Man of Steel Do? PN6728 S9 S866 2013.
Wisnewski, J. Jeremy, ed. The Office and Philosophy: Scenes from an Unexamined Life. PN1992.77 O34 O34 2008.
Wittkower, D. E., ed. Mr. Monk and Philosophy: The Curious Case of the Defective Detective. Another e-copy available here. Also available in print, PN1992.77 M595 M72 2010.
Yanal, Robert J. Hitchcock as Philosopher. PN1998.3 H58 Y36 2005.
Young, Shaun P., ed. Jeopardy! and Philosophy: What Is Knowledge in the Form of a Question? PN1992.77 J363 J46 2012.
Yuen, Wayne, ed. The Ultimate Walking Dead and Philosophy: Hungry for More. PN6727 K586 U475 2016.
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