Scroll down to links for NC Demographics (containing county estimates and projections), NC Census Data (containing county business patterns, income, etc)
The Population Reference Bureau informs people around the world about population, health, and the environment. Search your county under the tab: US & International Profiles
Paper Reference compiles information from many sources to provide all the key demographic and economic data for every state, county, metropolitan area, congressional district, and for all cities in the United States with a 2010 population of 25,000 or more. In one volume , you can conveniently find data from 1990 to 2014 in easy-to-read tables.
Provides detailed demographic and statistical data on the states of North and South Carolina, including demographics on each county and individual city or town; detailed data on school districts; Hispanic and Asian population statistics; informative statistics and rankings on ancestry groups; weather statistics; and comparative ranking charts
Call Number: Ebook link but paper also at: Main Stacks HA203 .W48 2012
ISBN: 9781598883992
Publication Date: 2010
The most substantial change in the decennial census in more than 60 years can be found in The Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the American Community Survey. Finally-a reference that helps you understand what the Census Bureau's surveys tells us about Americans This new addition to the County and City Extra series brings new American Community Survey (ACS) data together into one, convenient volume.