The catalog provides access to the library holdings of Appalachian State University (books, movies, music scores, music CDs, government documents, audiobooks, and more).
The 20 chapters in Courts, Law, and Justice cover a wide range of sharply contested topics, including drug and gun control laws as well as the ins and outs of the criminal justice system as encountered by arrested suspects, during the trial process, and during the sentencing phase.
We take a broad view of crime and punishment, and rather than becoming involved in the debate over what is crime, punishment, justice, and so forth, we have instead chosen to provide coverage for all topics that experts believe fall under the rubric of criminal justice. The 439 entries cover twelve major themes.
The three volumes of this resource represent interdisciplinary perspectives on law from sociology, criminology, cultural anthropology, political science, social psychology, and economics.
The Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law is completely updated and expanded to include increased coverage in growing areas of international law including diplomatic law, criminal law, human rights, and more.
A truly international and interdisciplinary reference work, the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History covers legal history from ancient to modern times.
Designed for college students, law students, and general readers, this massive, thorough, and well planned 13-volume reference provides information on pertinent people, issues, and events, as well as discussion of the laws themselves.