Videos for Sept. 10th class
Video #1 -- Start with one article -- APA in-text citations, citing and Cited by (Google Scholar) (6 minutes)
Video #2 -- Searching -- Which databases? (3:30)
Video #3 -- Searching -- Thinking about search words and "phrases," relevance, AND OR * (7 minutes)
Video #4 -- Getting full text (4:30)
Video #5 -- APA formatting and references (5 minutes)
Video #6 -- Managing your PDFs and documenting your searches (5 minutes)
Library help --, appointments, chat
Journal Articles -- words, databases, other tricks
Chop and expand your search words; try more databases; citing past and future.
Think about narrower, broader, related terms for your topic.
Sample search in Social Work Abstracts and in APPsearch
Journal Articles -- getting full text
Find@ASU is likely to successfully find full text. Maybe 75-80%, but depends on your search.
Also, try Google Scholar, try out Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad), and/or ask me for help.
Citing APA, writing, and managing:
ASU Writing Center -- good for formatting your paper, changes in APA 7th
Purdue OWL
Zotero (Ask for help, if you want to try this.)
Video -- Saving, managing, and citing (about 6 minutes)
I don't recommend setting up an EBSCO account, since you'll be working outside of EBSCO a lot also.
Peer Review
NC State has this nice video -- Peer Review in 3 minutes (Thanks, NC State!)
But how do you know a journal is peer-reviewed?
In most EBSCO databases, if you click the journal title link here, you'll get a page that confirms Peer Reviewed: Yes (But not in Social Work Abstracts)
I often Google a journal, and look at the journal's website. It will say it's peer-reviewed and have details. One example.
We also have Ulrich's Serial Directory. The same journal says "Refereed Yes"