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Physics and Astronomy: Optics!

What helps learn about new findings or interesting topics in the world of optics and physics?

A few top journals and a few association webpages:

Which of these top optics journals do we have? (ranking #1 Scimago, ranking #2 G.Scholar)

Optica (This journal is 100% Open Access)

Nature Photonics (This journal has some Open Access articles.  We do not have a subscription. Also see Nature Physics.  We do have a full subscription to Nature.  See the high profile Science journals on this guide.)

Physics Today

Associations: Optical Society of America, SPIE, EOS, but also AIP, IOP, APS,

Also, maybe we should just look at the very latest in Web of Science under Category : Optics.  (ArXiv also, but careful -- these are not peer-reviewed yet.)  Dimensions is fairly new, and you can sort Optics articles for high Altmetrics scores.

Consider setting up alerts.  Also many associations and researchers will tell you about their latest work on social media sites.

@OSAPublishing, @OPNmagazine, 

Science Librarian

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Stephanie Bennett
University Libraries
Appalachian State University
218 College Street
Boone, NC 28608