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Journals, news, magazines, and other popular e-resources: Home

A few of the most requested

News and current events -- National and global

The Wall Street Journal and other newspapers often change article headline wording between online version and the versions found here.  Search on keywords, if full titles don't work.

Also, aprt from the New York Times, we do not have access to the nice web interfaces that you get at, and others.  But we do have all or almost all the text content.

We also get these newspapers (NYTimes, WallSJ, WaPo) through Nexis Uni, but these links into ProQuest give you list of last day's story, starting with page 1A.  See this list of News Databases.


Some North Carolina publications

Usually these are text content only, not photos, graphs, other graphics, data, or video.

Journal rankings

The library no longer subscribes to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR).  Most top journals show their impact factors on their main page.

As of mid-2024, we subscribe to Scopus.  Click on Source in top right to see CiteScores.

Also use SCImago Journal Rank or Google Scholar's Top Publications.

Be skeptical of rankings!

Consumer Reports

Health Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853