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Library Collections -- an Overview: Overview

Agenda -- 30 July 2024

Open Access and Collections

First, let's note DSI's work and investment with 6 diamond Open Access journals and the Institutional Repository for Green OA.

Diamond OA?    Green OA?

Gold, Hybrid,  Bronze (or "Free to Read")

Possible future fund for APCs

What about the Appalachian Journal?  Available through EBSCO and with long embargo JSTOR

Collections involvement and spending

Subscribe to Open -- especially Annual Reviews. Demography, several others

We subscribe to 9 of the Annual Reviews, but probably all of them will be available S2O.

Member -- Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development

Read & Publish deals

Are these Transformational?

Fall 2024 -- possible "stopgap" funding for Wiley OA

Possible Read only -- T&F, Frontiers.  Where do our authors publish?

Advise authors about Green OA possibilities

Ask publisher if they would consider throwing in an APC or two.

Are journals funded by big APCs sustainable?  Threats to integrity.

But of course, most Open Access is external to us.  We and our users benefit and may be able to save money.

Subsidized Diamond, like C&RL

OA megapublishers: Frontiers, MDPI, Hindawi

Traditional publishers move in.


Publisher X Read and Publish deal

We pay $400,000

Read -- Usually we use about 100,000 paywalled articles (Unique Item Requests).  About $4 per use.

Publish -- Trend is that our authors publish about 20 articles per year.  (Corresponding author, research article)

Suppose the publisher is doing a number of these Transformational deals, so they publish fewer paywalled articles.

Maybe we drop to only using 75,000 paywalled articles.  Our CPU goes up to about $5.33 per article.

But our authors get about 20 licensed Open Access articles.  A value of about $60,000 ($3000 APCs).

So maybe we're subsidizing with another $40,000 for another 25,000 articles that they're now publishing OA.



minus $100,000 for 25,000 articles we read that are now OA.  (At $4 per article)

plus $60,000 for 20 APCs

missing $40,000


Remaining questions

Will we begin to save money due to increased OA?

Who pays?  What's the best way for ASU LIbraries to participate fairly in scholarly communication?

Mudditt, Alison. 2024. “Transitional Agreements Aren’t Working: What Comes Next?” The Scholarly Kitchen. April 4, 2024.

Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853