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Library Collections -- an Overview: Overview

Agenda -- 17 July 2024

Formats -- Excel and Google Sheets are about the same. 

Tableau -- ask for help if you don't have access now.

Vendor reports?


Help librarians understand how and how much e-resources are being used, and allow comparisons across many varying interfaces.

Different reports:

ebooks, journals, databases, platforms

downloads ("requests), other kinds of uses, denials, paywalled or open access downloads, which year?

examples: TR_B1 has data on uses of ebooks. TR_J1 has data on uses of journals.

Different measures:

total uses versus unique uses

Searches, investigations, or requests

Confluence -- CM Data Analytics

Spreadsheets -- Excel or Google Sheets

How I manipulate some raw spreadsheets


Try this.  OA versus paywalled downloads of journals.

What I commonly do:


Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853