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Political Science: Data and Statistics on the Web

UM Research Guide

Harvard Dataverse

The Correlates of War Project

Gallup Politics

General Social Survey offers US Government lists of data, statistics and maps related to most government agencies, which includes census information, and federal, state and local level agencies. 

Library of Current Population Surveys

The United States Census Bureau Library allows you to browse current population publications and working papers, and infographics.

Comparative Agendas Project

Population Reference Bureau - International Stats on Population Demographics

ICPSR - Research/Data Depository

American National Election Studies

App State Political Science Databases

National Agricultural Statistics Service

The National Agricultural Statistics Service includes breakdowns of state, county, and congressional districts agricultural statistics. This site also includes things like census of aquaculture, irrigation and water management and on-farm energy production statistics. 

Here is a link to the main Home Page

This is the Full Census of Agriculture report.

And, here is The Executive Summary, which was released in April 2019, data is from 2017. 


UMICH American Community Survey

Pew Research Center

VoteView - Congressional Voting

Annual Review of Political Science is your census data source for maps, population, house, economics and geographic data.

US Census Fact Finder

Explore census data including tables, maps, and more here.



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Dusty Ross