Azeiteiro, Ulisses Miranda, et al, eds. E-Learning and Education for Sustainability. GE70 E14 2014.
Clark, Tom, and Michael K. Barbour, eds. Online, Blended, and Distance Education in Schools: Building Successful Programs. LB1028.5 O486 2015.
Eom, Sean B., and J. B. Arbaugh,eds. Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes: An Introduction to Empirical Research. 2011. Ideas for researching online learning.
Hendricks, Stacy, and Scott Bailey, eds. Preparing Educators for Online Learning: A Careful Look at the Components and How to Assess Their Value. LB1707 P728 2016. Surveys the quality components of online instruction.
Jung, INsung, and Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, eds. Culture and Online Learning: Global Perspectives and Research. LC5803 C65 C85 2014.
Krause, Steven D., and Charles Lowe, eds. Invasion of the MOOCs: The Promise and Perils of Massive Open Online Courses. LB1944.87 I68 2014.
Moore, Michael G., and Greg Kearsley. Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning. 3rd ed. LC5805 M55 2012.
O'Neil, Carol A. Developing Online Learning Environments in Nursing Education. 3rd. ed. 2014.
Palloff, Rena M. Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for the Virtual Classroom. 2d. ed. LC5805 P35 2007.
Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation. Information and Communication Technologies in Education.7th, 2010, Corinth, Greece. Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education. LB1028.3 P24 2012.
Parker, Robyn E. Redesigning Courses for Online Delivery: Design, Interaction, Media, & Evaluation. 2013. A second electronic copy is also available.
Pomerol, Jean-Charles, et al.. MOOCs: Design, Use and Business Models. 2015.
Rovai, Alfred P. Distance Learning in Higher Education: A Programmatic Approach to Planning, Design, Instruction, Evaluation, and Accreditation. LC5805 R68 2008.
Stavredes.Tina. Effective Online Teaching: Foundations and Strategies for Student Success. LB1044.87 S846 2011.
Stavredes, Tina, and Tiffany Herder. A Guide to Online Course Design: Strategies for Student Success. 2014.
Strait, Jean, and Katherine J. Nordyke, eds. EService-Learning: Creating Experiential Learning and Civic Engagement through Online and Hybrid Courses. LC220.5 E74 2015.
Vai, Marjorie. Essentials of Online Course Design: A Standards-Based Guide. LB1044.87 V35 2011.
Zorn, Annika, et al, eds. Higher Education in the Digital Age: Moving Academia Online. LB2395.7 H546 2018.