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Open Educational Resources at Appalachian


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Graphic by Megan Pritcher


Why are OER important? Textbooks and supplementary resources are expensive for students to purchase, and libraries may not have the budget to provide access to all the teaching materials required for the class room. Also, many print editions of books and journals are unavailable in digital format, which make resource-sharing difficult in online and hybrid teaching environments. Open Educational Resources are free to use and accessible digitally. Some of the best OER sites include MIT's Open Courseware and Coursera's free course audits.

To learn more attend the Open Educational Conference, join the #FreeTheTextbook campaign, and start browsing high-quality OER content on Openstax.

Please contact Scholarly Communication for OER initiatives, partnerships with the AppState bookstore, assistance with OER-related grant proposals, and OER policy and advocacy.

Head of Scholarly Communications