Pick your topic. Your topic should relate to business law. Make every effort to limit your paper to legal or policy issues
Take time to conduct background research on your topic in order to understand the legal landscape. Develop inquiry based questions
The research paper will be 8-10 pages
Use the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion) method to organize your paper
Quality research will be evidenced by sources you select (textbook, newspapers, magazines, etc) to support your analysis. Cite your reference using APA format
Exploring a Topic
CQ Researcher and General Library Databases are a good place to begin exploring a topics that address both legal and business issues. Use the resources listed below to search on a topic and find background information.
Explores a single hot issue in the news in-depth each week. Each report is written by an experienced journalist and features comments from experts, lawmakers and citizens on all sides of every issue.
Explores a single hot issue in the news in-depth each week. Each report is written by an experienced journalist and features comments from experts, lawmakers and citizens on all sides of every issue.