The purpose of this guide is to share the Library's efforts of internationalization at Appalachian State University. It is a document showcasing past efforts and current resources that are made available in support of the QEP.
The Library's Instructional Materials Center (IMC) is a regionally recognized collection focused on resources for preK-12 students and teachers and is strongly internationalized. Librarians prepare online bibliographies of resources for studying cultures around the world (e.g. Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Jewish diaspora, and the Middle East) and have created a representative list of bilingual stories for children.
The Appalachian Collection serves as a window on the world for other global mountain areas. For example, the Collection supports faculty research doing comparative work on Wales. The Library serves as the world's library of record for Appalachian materials, ensuring that we have one-of-a-kind holdings regarding African, Native American, and Melungeon peoples of Appalachia.