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Electronics/Robotics: Home


Interested in programming or robotics?  Prototype your creations or just learn the basics with some of the electronic and robotic options available in the Inspire Maker Lab at the Belk Library and Information Commons.  Use this guide for an overview, then come in and try it out.  If you have any questions, call Hannah Pope at (828) 262- 2823 or email to set up an appointment


Here is some information on choosing which electronics board is right for you! 


What is Sphero?

A spherical robot that enables the user to learn through exploration. This app-controlled robot can be used for free play or to learn the basics of coding.  The multiple apps that work with the Sphero allow for endless ways to play and learn!


What is Circuit Scribe?

The perfect tool to learn circuitry, Circuit Scribe gives the user a pen with conductive ink and electronic accessories so that they can create their own circuits.  Once the basics are learned through Circuit Scribe, users can then take their creations to active platforms like Arduino.  

What are wearables?

Wearables cover a wide range of technologies that are created for clothing or accessories.  Examples of common wearables are smart watches, Fitbits, and lights sew into clothing. Learn about some incredible projects as well as the basics of wearable electronics by enrolling in Instructable's free online workshop, or contact Hannah Pope at for help getting started.

Makey Makey

Makey Makey

Ever wanted to learn about circuits, but didn’t know how to start?  Look no further than the Makey Makey, a simple circuit board that you can use to transform anything organic (like coins, play doh, or even fruit) into computer keyboard controls.  No programming necessary!

Image credits

Arduino: By R.hampl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons​

Raspberry Pi: Multicherry [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Need Info?

Check out our guides to learn about electronics, circuitry and robotics!

Raspberry Pi

What is Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi is a mini computer that plugs into your TV that you can program for all sorts of projects.  Stop by and pick up one of our starter kits to see what you can do!  

Raspberry Pi


What is Arduino?

Arduinos are easy to use, open source micro-controller platforms which allow you to use your imagination in order to turn your circuit projects into reality.  The Tech Desk checks out Arduino kits for new and old users alike.  Try it out and see what you can create!

