Sphero is a small, bluetooth enabled robot that allows the user to learn through free play or coding. Great for learning the basic principles of coding in a fun way, Sphero is the perfect robot for all ages. Apps allow you to pair the Sphero with your smartphone or tablet, and start exploring. Don't have an app enabled device? Or don't want to use your own? Check an iPad out from the Tech Desk! Using the multiple apps that work with the Sphero allows for endless ways to play and learn! App options are available in the App Store or Google Play.
Sphero is available in the IMC collection. Ask for it at the desk.
Sphero Play App
Download this app first! It allows you to calibrate the Sphero as well as learn the basic functions of the robot through "missions". A fun and interactive app, it comes with tricks that the Sphero can perform, as well as key software information.
Sphero Edu
The perfect app to begin programming! For beginners and experts alike Sphero Edu, formerly the SPRK Lightning Lab, offers both a simplistic 'drag and drop' coding platform as well as a code editor. Sphero uses their own spin on javascript, one of the most popular coding languages in the world, to program! Teach your Sphero tricks, and make it do everything from change color to jump to make sound effects. All you have to do to get started is sign up for a free account, then get coding!