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Managing Citations -- Zotero and EndNote: EndNote

Getting Started -- EndNote X9, EndNote 20, and EndNote 21

July 2023 -- EndNote 21 is now available.  If you use a university device, access through Software Center or through IT's Confluence pageContact, if you're not given EndNote 21.

On many university computers, you might already have EndNote installed.  If not, open "Software Center."    On Macs, EndNote is included under Applications.

EndNote X9 and EndNote 20 are still available also.  Ask us.  --JW

Problems?  Please contact John Wiswell,


Also an option -- Set up account in EndNote Online.

You do not have to set up EndNote Online.  But when you're ready for a cloud-based interface,  go to Web of Science and click on Product in upper right.

With EndNote 21, EndNote's cloud service will be tied to your AppState account and will give you 3 years of service.  To start the 3 years, go to Edit >> Preferences >> Sync and hit the Enable Sync button.

endnote sync preference

Setting Up Preferences

Click on Edit and Preferences (at the bottom).  Most of the deafults are OK.  Except:

Display Fields -- I like to have "Added to Library" displayed, so I can sort by date.

Find Full Text -- Add   to OpenURL path.  And check OpenURL.

Add to Authenticate with URL:

PDF Handling -- Check Enable automatic importing.

Setting up Libraries and Groups

This is just for organization.  You might soon want to have a few Libraries for distinct projects, but you can start with just one Library.  Click on File >> New.

To set up Groups (like folders), click on Groups >> Create Group.

Later, as you collect citations, you use the Groups >> Add References To.

create group









Your groups will then be available on the column to the left, under My Groups.

Back up -- Don't forget

This is also important for an easy way to share or transfer EndNote.

File >> Compressed Library (.enlx)

If you only use

File >> Save a Copy

and save the .enl file, you will need to save the .data file also.

So it's much simpler just to save it routinely as a compressed .enlx file.

Then save to secure storage: network, Dropbox, e-mail, flashdrive, or other.

Note:  EndNote warns against saving EndNote libraries to networks, USB drives, and cloud storage, such as Dropbox.  In other words, most of the ways you might back up and share EndNote.  Saving EndNote libraries as compressed .enlx files should mitigate the risk, but see pages 76- in EndNote's Little EndNote How-To Book for more details.

Gathering citations -- Library Databases

Every database and catalog will be a little different.  Look for “EndNote” of course, but also “RIS”  if you don’t see EndNote.

Ebsco databases (Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, Environment Complete, and others)

There are 2 ways to do this:  One, collect multiple citations using "Add to folder" 

and then use "Go to: Folder View."

  Folder has items





The other way is to collect the citations one by one.  Click on the blue article title to get the article record.

Whether you are in Folder View or looking at the individual article page, look for the Export icon in the column to the far right.




Now you should get the Export Manager.  It defaults to the EndNote/RIS choice, so just click "Save."

export manager











You may be asked to select a program.  The default program will probably work, but you can also select EndNote.

You should see the information pop up in your EndNote window.  (Capture the PDF full text at this time, if it's available.  More on that later.)

Science Direct

        Web of Science

Academic OneFile




Gathering citations -- Google Scholar

Google Scholar

Use the Google Scholar search box on the Library webpage.

When you get your Google Scholar results, click on the gear icon in the top right.  Then "Scholar Settings."

sign in





Then click on "Show links to import citations into" and select EndNote.

Bibliography manager








Be sure to Save.  Then you'll see this for each result.


Gathering citations -- Library Catalogs

APPsearch?  See EBSCO methods above.

In our Library Catalog, look for "Add Marked to Bag" or "Add to Bag." 

add to bag and then view bag

Check the items you would like to send to EndNote and click on

export saved

Make sure item is still checked and select "End-Note /" and "Local Disk."  Submit.

end note


Look for the cite/export

and when a box pops up, select export to endnote

Attaching PDFs and adding URLs

On the bottom right panel of EndNote, you can attach (previously saved) PDFs using the paper clip icon. 

You can also edit the bibliographic information, such as the URL.

Go to the EndNote window and highlight an article you've collected.  Then try the "Find Full Text" button above it.  This feature will not work off campus for now.

find full text





If it works, the full text PDF should show up in the panel on the lower left.

You can also attach a PDF that you've downloaded in the lower left panel.  Click on the "PDF & Quick Edit" tab and then on the paper clip icon.

there are no PDFs       

  Attach PDF

Find the file on your computer and attach it.

The panel on the lower right allows you to add or correct information: an abstract or notes, If you have full text of an article, copy the URL (web address) into the URL field near the bottom.

research notes

Creating bibliographies and Cite While You Write

One way to create a bibliography is to highlight the items in the EndNote window.  Use <Ctrl> button to highlight as many as needed.

In Microsoft Word, you should have this EndNote add-in.

File options





Click on "Insert Citation" and then "Insert Selected Citation(s)."  The citations should appear in Word.

This document is now set up to use Chicage 16th, but this can be changed easily on the panel.

As you write, you can add in-text citations with accompanying full citations.

Online Search

EndNote has a well-hidden file that allows you to use EndNote's Online Search.  Online Search is nice, except for one thing.  Well, three things.  It will not give you access to most of the library databases, it will not give you any of the full text, and it's tricky to set it up for off-campus use.  This is how you find the files and set up the function:

This is complicated -- lots of steps.  Ask me for help if you prefer.

Go this EndNote Support webpage and hit Download all connections.

You'll get a zip file.  Open it up and scroll down to the .enz file for the database you want to add to Online Search.

Click on it and you'll be taken to an EndNote Connection File panel.  If you plan to use the database off campus you need to add the link that allows off-campus use (with log in).  For example, for Web of Science, you need this link, (and don't lose the  )

Click on "File," in upper left, and choose "Save as."  Remove the word "copy" and save.

Click on "File" again and choose "Close Connection."


Then, back to EndNote.  Edit >> Connection Files >> Open Connection Manager. 

Find database there and check its box.


Then, your EndNote should have something like this on the left panel:

 online search

Click on your database and search.  Also, go back through this process to add more of your favorite databases.


By the way, look for the library catalog under Western NC Library Network.

EndNote Support and Tutorial Videos

Health Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853