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Managing Citations -- Zotero and EndNote: EndNote Online

Set up an Account in EndNote (was called EndNote Web)

To get started with EndNote Online, you have 2 options:

(1) Go to Web of Science and set up an account.  Then click on tab for EndNote. It's the same account. I'm not sure this still works to set up an account.

(2) If you're on campus, you can instead just go straight to and set up an account.  You can then access the account off campus for a year, until you need to update it on campus again.

You probably will want to use desktop EndNote as well.  To link the accounts in Edit >> Preferences, look for Sync and activate.

endnote web









Online EndNote says it's free to anyone.  If you sign up or sign in on campus or using Web of Science, you'll get 5GB storage for PDFs and notes, up from 2GB, and many more citation styles.


Gathering citations -- Transferring to and from desktop EndNote

It's easy to gather citations from Ebsco databases (e.g., APPSearch, CINAHL, PsyINFO) and Web of Science.  For other databases, Google Scholar, and the Library catalog, it's not easy.

But it's easy to transfer items from desktop EndNote X8/X9 to EndNote Online.  In desktop EndNote, go to Preferences and update Sync with your EndNote e-mail and password.  Then you can Sync citations back and forth between computer-based and web-based.

(See the EndNote page for help on getting the references into EndNote.)

Gathering citations -- Ebsco Databases

Ebsco databases (Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, Environment Complete, and others)

There are 2 ways to do this:  One, collect multiple citations using "Add to folder"  add to folder

and then use "Go to: Folder View."

  folder has items





The other way is to collect the citations one by one.  Click on the blue article title to get the article record.

Whether you are in Folder View or looking at the individual article page, look for the Export icon in the column to the far right.




Now you should get the Export Manager.  It defaults to the EndNote/RIS choice, but change to EndNoteWeb and then click "Save" on left.

save citations to a file formatted for

You should see the information pop up in your EndNote Web window.  Sometimes it's slow.  (Capture the PDF full text at this time, if it's available.  More on that later.)

Gathering citations -- Web of Science

Web of Science

endnote web

Problems collecting a citation?

Sometimes you'll have difficulty getting a citation into EndNote Basic.  One option is to find the same thing in another database, catalog, or search engine and try again.  Another is to save the citation as a RIS file and then import into EndNote Basic.  (The last option is to copy and paste into a blank "New Reference" form!)

file upload



Import into EndNote Basic.





Attaching full text PDFs

On your EndNote Web window, go to your reference in "My References."  Click on the paper clip icon and the on "attach files."

file attatchments

Then hit the "Choose File" button, find the PDF file, and "Upload." 

choose file                        upload

You will then see a darker blue-colored paper clip for that reference.

EndNote Tutorial Videos

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John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853