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Orientation for New Faculty: Other things to know

10 Things You Might Want to Know

   Welcome to the Belk Library.

1. How do you log in for Library resources and account information?

To access electronic resources from off campus, you'll be given a log-in page.  On the left side, click the button and enter your AppalNet user name and password.

To look at your Library record, use "My Account," in upper right of

2. When is the Library open?

The Library's website and electronic resources are always available.  (You can chat or report problems at any time.)

Click on "Hours," in upper right of

During the Fall and Spring Semesters, the Library is open 24/5.  We only close Friday night and Saturday night.

3. Can I get help?

Of course!  Library staff are ready to help you.  If you're off campus, consider using the chat box on many of our webpages.  If you're in the building, ask at our service desks.  Ways to ask.

The Library has a librarian assigned to every academic department and major.  Find out who yours is.  Check subject pages like this, but we also have this list.  You can contact librarians directly.

4. What is the Library's role in instruction?

In addition to providing Library materials and electronic resources, the Library has an instruction program.  Ask your librarian if you would like them to meet with your students.

5. Do you have tech help and tech devices?

Absolutely.  We have great tech staff to help you with tech questions, small and large.  This means anything from saving your lost file to teaching your class skills for a  multimedia project.

Check out the Tech Desk (gizmos!) , the Inspire Maker Lab, and the Digital Media Studio, on the Lower Level.

6. What's so special about the Library?

The Belk Library is like a lot of academic libraries.  We have lots of people trying to figure out what you need.  We have lots of spaces, services, computers, books, and electronic resources.

We also have what we call Special Collections.  The Music Library is across campus at the School of Music.  The IMC serves the College of Education and is on the Lower Level.  Perhaps most special, the Appalachian Collection, Rare Books, Archives, and Stock Car Collection are on the 4th Floor.

7. Bring your AppCard, if you want to check out computers, books, DVDs, and other stuff.  We really require the card.

8.  How do I find articles and books?

There are lots of ways, but try APPsearch, on our main page (  It has the same interface you'll be using for CINAHL, PsycINFO, SPORTdiscus, and many other subject-specific databases.  Actually, it includes those just named, plus books, ebooks, and other databases too.  There are a few databases that it does not include.

More databases and e-resources.  Our traditional catalog, for books and media.  Also, really, a lot of our journals and databases will open on campus from a regular web search.

9. Are there special services for faculty?

As noted above, faculty members can call on the librarian(s) assigned to their department.

We have a Faculty Lounge that can be reserved by calling 828-262-2818.  It can used for 4 hours at a time.  It's a good place to get away, maybe for writing or grading.

Books and DVDs can be requested for delivery to department offices.  We use Campus Mail for this.

The Library manages a repository for scholarly works, NC DOCKS.  We can also now manage small to medium-sized datasets or add additional materials that did not fit into your journal article.

Welcome to Appalachian!

Thanks for the photo, at top, EMaiden, Center for Academic Excellence.

Trade pubs for higher education

Campus Software for Faculty, Including EndNote

Campus IT has this easy list of software for faculty computers, both university-owned and personal.  It includes EndNote X8 citation management software.  The Library has a site license to EndNote, but in general, we like Zotero.

How to Videos

These short (1-3 minute) tutorials are designed to help you get started with your research and familiarize you with library services and resources.

Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853