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Student Veteran Library Resources: Find Articles

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Articles - Web Delivery Written Instructions

Use Interlibrary Loan's ILLiad system to request articles not available in full-text. We find it, scan it and provide it via web delivery.

  1. You've searched an article database.  Follow the Find @ ASU prompts.
  2. If no full-text is available follow the link, ILLiad - Article Request (ASU).
  3. You will be prompted to logon to ILLiad.  (If you are a first time ILLiad user you will Register first.)
  4. Once you logon the article request form will be automatically populated with the article's citation.  Submit the request.
  5. Remember you can check ILLiad's Main Menu option View - Outstanding Requests to check the progress of your order.
  6. You will receive an e-mail message indicating when the article is available and how to obtain it.

Optionally, if you have an article citation and you know we don't have it in full-text:

  1. Logon to ILLiad    (If you are you a first time ILLiad user? Register first.)
  2. From ILLiad's Main Menu, click on Article under New Request.
  3. Complete the form. Click the Submit Request button when you are finished.
  4. Remember you can check ILLiad's Main Menu option View - Outstanding Requests to check the progress of your order.
  5. You will receive an e-mail message indicating when the article is available and how to obtain it.


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Emma Sobczak Schell
Belk Library and Information Commons, Room 146
Online Office Hours: Tuesdays 10am-12pm