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SOC 4150 Sociology of Law: Library databases


The databases demoed in class are below.  Also consult the complete list of Databases by Subject to determine which other databases are related to your research.

More Useful Resources

Westlaw Tutorial

Advanced Search

  1. While viewing the Westlaw Home page, click the Advanced link. The page changes to show a template in which you can build a search query.
  2. Type your terms in the appropriate text boxes.
  3. If wanted, use Term Frequency to select the terms that must be included in your retrieved documents, then set the frequency for each item checked.
  4. Click the Jurisdiction link if you want to change the jurisdiction
  5. Click Search.
  6. Narrow your search results by content type, jurisdiction, date, topic, etc. using the box on the left side of the screen.

Screenshot of Westlaw Advanced Search screen

More detailed directions


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Jackie Eagleson
(828) 262-7424