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Communicating STEM: Student Becomes Teacher

A supplemental guide to STEM 5530

Your Assignment

For this assignment, your task is to find a video or reading that does one of the following:

  • Is exceptional STEM Communication
  • Is an example of poor STEM Communication
  • Talks about the importance of effective Communication

Approach to Search

While there are plenty of ways to find STEM Communication, not all examples are created equal. Remember that poor science communication can exist in any or all of the following ways:

  • Jargon heavy dialog
  • Not understanding your audience
  • Drifting away from the main message
  • Going too long with a message
  • Filling every available moment with talking, or talking that's off the cuff
  • Superiority complex--that is, language used to depreciate alternative viewpoints


Consider beginning your search by picking a topic, and finding examples of discussion by various experts. You might decide to pick a topic that is outside of your own expertise, in order to appreciate the communication much as the public might. 

Here is a list of topics to get you started (popular topics in the news):

Climate Change


Endangered Species

Environment and Pollution Concerns (think: superfund sites, microplastics, insect borne diseases, PFAS/PFOA)

Cancer Treatments

Gun Control (as a public health issue)

Science of Reading (early education issue and science based issue)

Dietary Studies

Antibiotic Resistance

Covid (aren't you glad I didn't suggest this one first?)

For more ideas, check out the Science or Health sections of Google News.

You are not limited to examples in the News. Other Science topic examples might include:

String Theory


Big Bang Theory

Atomic Theory

Quantum Field Theory

Dark Matter 

Dark Energy


Science News Sources

Here's a list of potential places to find your Science Communication example:

Big Think

Science Daily

Ars Technica



Scientific American




Run into a Paywall? Try title or author searching in one of the Newspaper databases.

Looking for Biased examples?:

Science Librarian

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Stephanie Bennett
University Libraries
Appalachian State University
218 College Street
Boone, NC 28608