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Student Parent Resources: University Support- Title IX

Pregnancy and Parenting | Office of Title IX Compliance

Pregnancy and Parenting

Title IX protects Pregnant and Parenting individuals from discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. Title IX requires equal access and equal participation for Pregnant and Parenting individuals in educational programs and activities including work, clubs, sports, honor societies, leadership opportunities, and other activities.

Adjustments and Assistance

Appalachian will provide reasonable adjustments to a Pregnant and Parenting Individuals including, but not limited to:

  • assistance with parking considerations
  • communication and support for reasonable and appropriate breaks for standing, lactation, nursing, etc.
  • providing support for one's physical environment (i.e. accessible seating)
  • requesting an Incomplete in a course when applicable and appropriate

For assistance, please complete this online form. The Title IX Coordinator, or designee, will be in contact to request a meeting to review these options, and more. 

This page also additionally includes information on Campus & Community Support (*Including Lactation Lounges on campus), Documentation, and Harassment and Discrimination. 


Pregnant and Parenting Student Assistance

Pregnant and Parenting Student Assistance

Per Title IX, Appalachian provides the same special services to a pregnant/parenting student that it provides to students with temporary medical conditions. Specifically, support is provided for pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, and recovery from any aforementioned condition. Services and support are provided through the Office of Title IX Compliance.

Absences due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions will be excused with documentation from a medical professional indicating that such absences are deemed necessary.

We encourage Pregnant and Parenting Individuals to work with their faculty to provide advanced notice should any absence coincide with any academic obligations including, but not limited to, test dates and deadlines. Reasonable adjustments can be made by faculty to assist students needing assistance.

Faculty members are to allow students the opportunity to make up the work missed while out due to pregnancy or any related conditions, including recovery from childbirth. If a faculty members awards “points” or other advantages based on class attendance, students must be given the opportunity to earn back the credit from classes missed because of pregnancy.

To request assistance due to your pregnancy or parenting status, please feel encouraged to complete this online form and/or contact the Title IX Coordinator. 



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Emma Sobczak Schell
Belk Library and Information Commons, Room 146
Online Office Hours: Tuesdays 10am-12pm