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Psychology: Graduate Students

A guide for doing research in psychology.

Writing a Thesis?

Are you writing a thesis or major research paper? Schedule an appointment with your librarian, Allan Scherlen or John Wiswell, to receive assistance with finding and evaluating sources as well citation management.

Citation Management

Tips for Graduate Students

Focused Searching

Use the advanced search function when using the library resources.

Search terms in multiple boxes will be combined with AND which means that your search results have both terms you entered. It narrows your search.

If you have two similar terms and you want to find both of them, combine them with OR. For example: adolescents OR teens

If you are searching for a multi word term or phrase, put them in quotes so your search will look for that phrase in its entirety. For example: "leadership development theory".

Use truncation to include multiple terms that begin with the same root. For example use child* to include child, children, childhood.

Use wildcards to to include words that have slightly different spellings such as between the UK and the US. For example use globali?ation to include globalization and globalisation.

Social Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Allan Scherlen
Belk Library, Office no. 224
P.O. Box 32026
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608