The catalog provides access to the library holdings of Appalachian State University (books, movies, music scores, music CDs, government documents, audiobooks, and more).
You will find relevant books on research in communication in a number of sections of the ASU Library Main Stacks. Try some of the following terms in a Subject Search in the library catalog (Books & Media tab on library homepage) to find relevant titles:
Lets you search the holdings of thousands of libraries using precision search features, view detailed results, and link to University Libraries' holdings.
Use Interlibrary Loan to request items not held at ASU, UNCA, or WCU. Make online requests through ILLiad, or search UNC Library Express catalog
Search Tips
A successful search strategy uses both keyword searching and subject searching:
Begin by selecting a keyword search in the ASU library catalog and enter search terms to find material on your research topic.
Review the list of results. You are looking for items whose content seems to match your research topic.
Once you have identified an item(s), click on the title to view the full information. Review the chapter heading (if available) and pay attention to the list of subjects (topical, geographic, name) to identify relevant subjects that best match your research topic.
Conduct a new search. This time, select a subject search and use any of the subjects that you found in your keyword search.
Remember to note the location, call number, and status of items since ASU shares its catalog with UNC-Asheville (UNC-A) and Western Carolina University (WCU). Record the call number(s)s for items at ASU so that you can retrieve them.