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Nursing: PICO Worksheet / EBP Tutorials

Listed Resources-- PICO Worksheet

Resources in boldface.


Joanna Briggs

DARE (DARE will no longer be updated starting in 2015.)

Clinical Evidence

AHRQ Evidence Reports

Guidelines Clearinghouse

ACP Journal Club

Evidence-Based Journals


PubMed Clinical Queries


MD Consult

Doing the PICO worksheet?

The worksheet suggests searching in a long list of resources.  We have some of them but not all.  Here are each of their suggested resources, with links when they're available.

Notes on the NYU Tutorial

1.4 Background Information -- E-Texts

The Library has some of the ebooks listed for NYU.  We do have ebrary, Gale, and Credo ebooks, but we do not have Joanna Briggs, STAT!Ref, UpToDate, and Micromedex 2.0. 

The easiest way to look for useful ebooks is this.  Start an APPsearch search on your topic and click on "eBooks" on the left column.  (If you don't immediately see "eBooks," click on "Show More" under "Source Types.")  That will leave you only ebooks.

EBooks are not always that user-friendly.  I suggest you browse, find a chapter or chunk of pages, and then Save/Download/Print, as if you were getting a journal article.

We do have one form of the Joanna Biggs database now, but it's hard to search.  You could use this Google Scholar search and use the "Find@AppState" buttons.

1.5 Locating Articles

1.6 Databases

We have all the databases listed: CINAHL, Medline/PubMed, PsycINFO, and ProQuest Central.

We have CINAHL Complete, which is a mild upgrade on CINAHL Plus and has a little more full text included.

We have PubMed, but we also have a version of Medline (in Web of Science).  They are basically different interfaces on the same underlying database.  I recommend PubMed for most people (and I'll discuss the differences below).

ProQuest Central is pretty good, and we have other databases for news.  But frankly, if I want quick news stories, I go to (10 free articles per month) or just Google News and be selective about which news source I use.

1.9 Locating the Full Text

Obviously, we have a bright yellow "Find@ASU" button.  When that works, that's easy.  If it does not give you full text, you still might want to check for a free copy on the web.  I recommend that you search the entire article title in quotation marks (or the DOI).

I usually do this in the Library's Google Scholar, but occasionally a visit over to a normal Google web search will find it.  If you've done the search in Google Scholar and looked around, click on "Web" in the upper left corner.  (APPsearch will not find articles on the web as reliably.)

In many cases, you may have a citation that is on real paper or otherwise has no live link.  I start with Google Scholar.  We also have a way to search whether the Library has the journal for the publication year.  Try "E-Journal/Magazine Title" on the Library main page, on lower left. 

My colleagues and I can help you if these methods are not working.  Email me at or try our chat.

We also have ILLiad to get full text from other libraries.  You should consider using this when you can wait a few days.  See link on our main page.

1.10 Citing Sources

Our Library has a guide too (notice all the tabbed pages accessible from the yellow APA button), but I like Purdue OWL.

2.8 Critically Appraised Topics

Unfortunately, we do not have Joanna Briggs Institute EBP database or the Nursing Reference Center. 

But Nursing+ Best Evidence for Nursing Care is free, though it requires registration. 

Evidence-Based Nursing is available here, but with an 12 month embargo (not the latest 12 months issues full text).  Some of the recent articles may be free on the web, so that's worth checking.  Here's the journal website.

We do have Worldviews on Evidence-based NursingAnd we also have the International Journal of Evidence-based Healthcare, and issues include several Cochrane Nursing Care Corner articles based on new Cochrane systematic reviews.


2.9 Specialized Databases : Syntheses and Systematic Reviews

We have the Cochrane Library.  It starts with results from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.  (DARE is even more confusing.  It is no longer being updated, starting in 2015, so I'm going to stop talking about it.)

Again, unfortunately, we do not have Joanna Briggs.  We do have Joanna Briggs--see the links above in section 1.4.  Joanna Briggs is kind of like the Nursing twin of Cochrane.

You can limit searches in PubMED, Medline, and CINAHL to only see systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other related products.

3.4 Search Engines

Google Scholar is useful for many questions, although I don't recommend that you start your searches with it, nor should you rely entirely on any one resource.  The Library does have a way to access Google Scholar that automatically includes links to full text.  Consider using using Google Scholar when searches in CINAHL and PubMed are not satisfactory, when you need to find everything, when you need help finding full text from a citation, or when you want to see who has cited an important article.

4 Saving Search Histories

ASU does not have RefWorks, but we do have EndNote.  There is a free online version of EndNote also, but you get access to the upgraded online version.  Zotero and Mendely are free.

I recommend Zotero, unless your faculty and peers are using EndNote or another.

Let me know if you would like an introduction to using Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley.  Or if you need help troubleshooting them.

Here's our guide.   For Zotero, this one might be a little easier.

Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Email me! Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853