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SPE 3310 Research and Issues in Special Education: Writing & Citing

Research Guide

Annotated Bibliography

What is an annotated bibliography? 

It provides:

  • An account of the research that has been done on a given topic
  • An alphabetical list of research sources
  • Concise information about each source

What does the annotation include?

  • Complete bibliographic information in APA Style 6th edition
  • Main focus or purpose of the work
  • Information on the scope and approach of the work
  • Details on what kind of information can be found in the sourc
  • Usefulness of the source based on the coverage of the topic
  • Notable aspects of the source


Literature Review

This 10-minute tutorial focuses on what a literature review is and what it means to review the literature.

Tutorial - Literature review:  An overview for graduate students


THE APA Manual

Quick Guide to APA Style

The University Writing Center

Need assistance with your writing? Visit the University Writing Center.
Room 008, Lower Level Belk Library & Information Commons.

Drop in or make an appointment

Education Librarian

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Jennifer Woods
she, her
Belk Library and Information Commons, 037A
(828) 262-8160