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Library Science: University Libraries

A guide for doing research in library science.

Library Research Tools

How does the university library work?

Generally, the university library purchases or subscribes to all sorts of specialized information to support the research that happens in the various majors here at App State - research being done by both students and professors.

This information takes many forms: books, ebooks, streaming films, peer-reviewed journals (mostly online), and much more.

Because it supports the majors, the information is mostly organized by discipline or subject in our physical and online spaces.

In other words, all of our physical books about biology 'live' together on the shelves in Belk Library. And all of our online content about biology can accessed through our databases for biology available via Belk Library's website.

What's a library database?

Databases are just searchable online collections of information that the library subscribes to. Because these are subscription-based, or "behind the paywall," this is information that only App State students and professors have access to. It's also helpful to know that some larger databases contain research from multiple disciplines.


What is APPsearch?

APPsearch is Belk Library's portal that allows students to search most of our research databases at one time. You can find it on our homepage. Think of it as "Google for the library" - it's a great place to start and is intended to save students time and effort. It allows you to quickly find and access books, ebooks, journal articles, and more. 

Click here to watch a video tutorial on how to use APPsearch.

Anatomy of an AppSearch Results Page

This is an interactive sample search from an AppSearch search results page. In this case, the search used the keywords, college student and anxiety. Click the "I" icons to learn more about the different parts of the page.

Best Bet Library Science Subject Databases

Search your topics in the following databases to find scholarly journal articles. You may also consult Databases - browse by subject to determine which other databases are related to your research.  If you are connecting from off-campus, you will be prompted for your username & password or real name and Banner ID number before you may search the databases.

Accessing Online Articles

Getting the full-text:

  • When viewing the results, look for the PDF, Full-text or HTML link.
    • Clicking this button will lead you to the full-text in another source if it is available via the library.
  • Alternatively, you can search Google Scholar to see if it is available in an online repository for free.
    • Search tip:  When searching Google Scholar always come via the library website so you won't be prompted to pay for resources we have. 

The article you need is not available online? 
We will find it, scan it, and make it available to you electronically. Free of charge! (Turnaround time ~3-7 days)

1.  Use ILLiad - our interlibrary loan system.  If new to ILLiad see First Time Users  or  Login. 
2.  Select New Request - Article.  Provide requested information.
3.  You will receive an e-mail indicating when the article is available.  Follow the prompts and retrieve the article within stated timeframe.
4.  That's it!  Check ILLiad - Outstanding Requests to track the progress of orders and more.

Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Jennifer Woods
she, her
Belk Library and Information Commons
(828) 262-8160