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School Administration: Data: NC Schools, Counties & More

A research guide to library resources for students studying school administration.

NC Education

NC Department of Public Instruction

NC School &  District Navigator
Search by location or district.  Profile information available for districts and down to the school level.

NC K-12 Education Budget


Regional information - U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Estimates of personal income and per capita personal income for NC counties.

County Business Patterns - U.S. Census Bureau
County, state, and national level business data including number of establishments, payroll, number of employees and number of  establishments by size class for 2 digit SIC industry groupings.

Cities in NC - UNC School of Government
Contains websites that provide information on local and regional government, civic organizations, education resources, visitors' bureaus, tourism and relocation services, and commercial services.

NC Cities and Counties

Access NC - Demographics - NC Department of Commerce
County data on population, economics, education, housing, and more.  You can also sort the data by Area:  Metropolitan Statistical Area. A drop-down listing of NC MSA's will be displayed.

NC Population & Demographics -
State, county and municipal data.

QuickFacts - U.S. Census Bureau
Statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
First, select a geographic region -- state, county, city, town.  Then "Select a fact" to view the data.

High Country Council of Governments
Provides links to demographics for Watauga, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Wilkes, and Yancey counties and for communities within each.

#EverythingNC: Data & Demographics -- State Library of NC

Census and Education Data

U. S. Census Bureau
On their main webpage, see "Browse by Topic" to explore data options.

  • QuickFacts
    Statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
    First, select a geographic region -- state, county, city, town.  Then "Select a fact" to view the data.

National Center for Education Statistics
Provides a variety of data options.


NC Information Sources

Digital NC - NC Digital Heritage Center - UNC Wilson Special Collections Library

  • NC Newspapers - Search the news archives for background information related to your school's community.

NC County Information - NCPEDIA

NC General Assembly

NC Maps - Historical maps

#EverythingNC: Data & Demographics -- State Library of NC

IMC Librarian

Profile Photo
Margaret Gregor