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BIO 5000: Bibliography and Research in Biology: Home

Graduate Student Evolution

Welcome - BIO 5000 - Getting Started


This is a Library Guide to help you in your thesis work.  Think of it as Batesian mimicry lessons.  Graduate students in their program are vulnerable to various types of predation.  In Batesian mimicry, an edible species looks like an inedible or unpalatable one and is avoided by predators.  Graduate students are very tasty to predators such as time loss, missed opportunity, etc.  Librarians are usually unpalatible to this predation.  If you can mimic a librarian in parts of your thesis work, you will be less subject to predation.

Off-Campus Access

You will often have the greatest success if you are On-Campus when using Library resources. The resource owner (publisher we lease the information from) sees you are coming from an ASU IP address (we pay the bills) and lets you in to their content.

The second best off-campus success is to begin by going to the Library homepage  or list of databases or this guide.  If you are going to Google Scholar definitely enter via the library's link (yellow tab on the homepage) to get full-text where it is available.  As you search, you will encounter a box asking you to log-in with your email login credentials.

Science Librarian

Profile Photo
Stephanie Bennett
University Libraries
Appalachian State University
218 College Street
Boone, NC 28608