- Apply for a DOI. Appalachian State University faculty, staff, and students who would like to obtain a DOI for their digital content should contact the University Libraries’ metadata librarian.
- Provide Metadata. During the application process, you will be asked to provide information about the digital object you want to assign a DOI to. This typically includes information such as the title of the work, author(s), their ORCID iDnumber (if applicable), publication date, the journal’s ISSN (if applicable), and a URL where the content is hosted.
- Review and Assignment. Once you submit your digital object's information, the metadata librarian will review the information and assign a unique DOI to your digital object. The assigned DOI will follow the standard format, including Appalachian State’s prefix and a unique suffix.
- Publish and Use the DOI. After you receive the assigned DOI, you can include it in your digital content, such as articles, datasets, or other resources. This is often done by adding the DOI to the content's metadata or on the web page where it is hosted. You can also include the DOI in citations when referencing the work.
- Maintain Metadata. It's important to keep the metadata associated with the DOI up to date. If there are changes to the content, such as changes to the URL or publisher, please contact the metadata librarian.
NOTE: When seeking DOI services outside University Libraries, beware of unauthorized entities that imitate the DOI® logo and system while falsely claiming to register digital object identifiers. Only the DOI® Foundation’s official Registration Agencies are authorized to issue DOI® identifiers in compliance with ISO 26324. Learn more at https://www.doi.org/more-info