Your Instructional Materials Center, located on the lower level of Belk Library, is a model pre-K - 12 school library media center.
In it you'll find:
- Children's and Young Adult Literature (Fiction, Non-Fiction, Picture Books, Biographies, etc.)
- Curriculum and Lesson Planning Ideas and Examples
- Professional and Reference Collections
- Audiovisual materials (CDs, DVDs, Software, etc.)
- Manipulatives and Displays (Posters, Models, Puppets, Games)
- K-12 Textbooks (both N.C. state adopted and supplementary)
We help you by:
- Providing reference service to ASU students, faculty, and staff, as well as area educators and community members
- Offering "readers advisory" for all ages and reading levels
- Hosting classes and workshops on finding and using library resources
- Maintaining the "Idea Factory," a media production facility designed exclusively for education students and area educators