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Veterinary Technology: Home

Library resources for online Veterinary Technology students.

Search for articles

Most of the veterinary literature is in the form of journal articles.  Often it is synthesized (so made more immediately useful) in books and in review articles.

APPsearch (APPsearch is the default search on Library main page.)

Google Scholar -- link through Library, though obviously it exists independently also.  You'll need that after you graduate.

Scopus -- is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings.  

PubMed -- link through Library, though it exists independently also.  You'll need that after you graduate.

Special services for "AppState Online" students

Almost all of our journals and electronic resources are available online to the entire AppState community.  We're mostly buying ebooks for programs with many "distance" students.

But we do have additional services for you.  As an "AppState Online" student, you may have physical books mailed to you.  Click the Request button in the Library Catalog to trigger this.  It will be mailed to your home with a postage paid return label.  Make sure to update your University address!

Also, you might occasionally find an old article that we only have in paper volumes.  You can request that these articles be scanned and emailed to you.  Use our ILLiad system.

Also,  everyone can use ILLiad in general to request articles, books, and theses that we do not have immediate access to.  ILLiad is our InterLibrary "Loan" service.  It's generally 24-48 hours for articles.

Also, contact me as needed.

Health Sciences Librarian

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John Wiswell

Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853

Science Librarian

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Stephanie Bennett
University Libraries
Appalachian State University
218 College Street
Boone, NC 28608