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Publishing and Open Access trends -- 2024: Home

More details about current deals that include Open Access licenses

Springer journals -- waivers for APCs for Open Access licenses in their Springer Hybrid journals (link goes to Google Sheet), but not in their Gold journals.  This also does not include the Nature or NPJ journals.
Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Wiley journals -- waivers for APCs for Open Access licenses
We have a Read and Publish deal for all Wiley journals.  Which means we have permanent rights to read all their journals and we get zero-cost Open Access licenses for articles that our authors publish. 
Here are Wiley's journals, but these pages are difficult to use.  Ask your librarian, or me, for help.
We continue this deal with Wiley through 2024.  You do have to be the corresponding author, and it has to be a research article or review of research (not book/software review).
Complication with Wiley journals.  We will run out of these waivers for APCs in the latter half of 2024.  Contact us if you expected to get a waiver and are told they are no longer available.  Contact John Wiswell,

Cambridge journals -- no-cost OA licenses for all journals, no cap
American Chemical Society
The Microbiology Society (not the American Society of Microbiology)
Possibly in 2025 and beyond, as we renegotiate our Elsevier, Oxford, Sage, and other agreements, we'll cover their journals also. 
Other possibilities:  Frontier's Gold OA journals.  Taylor & Francis journals.  What else would you like to see?
We're expecting to get another big Read & Publish deal for 2025.  Stay tuned.

Problems for authors and libraries

There are fewer no-cost journal article "slots," while globally, more researchers want to publish more.

How to pay for Open Access?  (There are OA journals that do not charge authors, although they might be less visible.)

How to not get burned by inadequate peer review?

Details and causes:

  • Change and barriers in journal publishing. 
    • Funders requiring open access sooner.  Some publishers giving up on subscription models.  Illegal and non-compliant access.
  • More journals are requiring payments by authors.  They have fewer choices that do not require authors to pay.
  • New, growing journals with some inadequate or fraudulent peer review.  (Old journals that cannot find enough reviewers.)
  • Growing preference and acceptance of author-pays Open Access.  Why? More citations and greater influence on practitioners and public.
  • What about Green OA or author self-archiving?

What libraries are doing:

  • Negotiating Read and Publish (aka Transformational) agreements, that ideally will take us to an affordable(?) open access future, in a few years.
  • Supporting Green open access, with repositories and advice.
  • Advising authors about remaining zero-cost journals, which may include those in Read & Publish deals.
  • Subscribe to Open, with many smaller publishers.  e.g., Annual Reviews

Two questions

We have transformative agreements with Wiley and Cambridge and are considering one with Springer-Nature.  If these publishers transform to only Gold OA (author pays) journals, what happens to the approximately half million that we pay for subscriptions now?

What is an OA license worth?

What's going on in publishing? Where not to publish?

Where to publish? Where not to publish?

Check the journal in Web of Science, SCImago (uses Scopus), PubMed/MEDLINE, Cabell's.  Is it at least findable in Google Scholar?  If I detect a hint of anything substandard, I'll Google [journal name] predatory (and not believe everything).

Talk about these publishers for Public Health & Exercise Science

Journal of Environmental and Public Health (Hindawi, now Wiley's)

No longer accepting submissions.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI)

Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (Frontiers)

My opinion -- We need these publishers, and we need them to do a good job in peer review.  And we need the traditional publishers.  And we need them all to have profit margins more moderate than the pharmaceutical industry's.

My advice for authors -- Think about risk on a continuum.  Avoid what looks like inadequate peer review.  For the next few years, have a balanced record that's not only Frontiers/MDPI/HIndawi.  What if you know the editor and it's a special issue on an important topic?


Also see

See library guides on Scholarly Communications and on PREPARE workshop 2018.

Remember our repository, NC DOCKS.

Any interest in preprint archives, such as BioRxiv, SportRxiv?

Health Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
John Wiswell

Levine Hall 542F & Belk Library 225, (828)262-7853

Open Access publishing directly supported by University Libraries at Appalachian State

During 2022-2023, so far,

covered about 35 Open Access licenses in Wiley/Hindawi journals for AppState authors

covered about 7 Open Access licenses in Cambridge journals

and many Accepted Manuscripts made available (Green OA) in NC DOCKS!

We'll probably support about another 40 OA licenses in 2024, with Wiley, Springer, Cambridge, ACS, and possibly other publishers.