This is a guide to facsimile versions of Medieval and Early Renaissance manuscripts at Belk Library and Information Commons.
Dates & Geographic Range. The working dates for the manuscript facsimiles in this guide cover the Medieval Era (defined here as beginning in 476 with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and ending in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople) to 1500, so as to include manuscripts of the Renaissance period up to that date. The facsimiles in this guide range in geographic and cultural context as well, with some examples from the Middle East, India, and Mexico. However, the main strength of this list is in European manuscripts, particularly those of British origin.
What is a facsimile? For the purpose of this guide, a facsimile is a published reproduction (both in black and white as well as color) that captures the physical representation of the original manuscript in as near to a complete state as possible. It is not, solely, a translation of the original text, although it may contain translations or explanations of the original document.
How can I see one? The facsimiles in this guide are located in either Special Collections or the Main Stacks. To use those in Special Collections, email us at for an appointment.
Special thanks to History graduate student Graham Shelton for his work compiling the facsimiles listed in this guide.
Pictured: Page 27 Recto from the Lindisfarne Gospels facsimile.