LibKey should especially help:
If you're not searching in APPsearch or other EBSCO databases, and you're looking for a journal that we only have through EBSCO. Most notably APA journals, but there are a wide range of these that we only have through EBSCO. When we add LibKey, this should make it easier to work in PubMed, Web of Science, and ProQuest databases. Also easier in Google Scholar (and one of GS' main competitors, The Lens, includes LibKey links as a standard).
Accessing Open Access articles, in some OA journals, but especially the scattered OA articles mixed in with paywalled articles, in "hybrid" journals.
Anywhere else where LibKey recognizes that we have full text, but the other direct red and white links are not going to appear.
EBSCO only journals -- some examples
APA: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
ASHA: Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, American Journal of Audiology
Other: North Carolina Historical Review, British Journal of Nursing, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, Harvard Business Review, American Journal of Bioethics
Open Access journals
Open Access articles -- examples
Taylor & Francis Hybrid and Bronze OA articles, 2022-
Nature Hybrid and Bronze OA articles, 2022- , excluding Nature
Actually, I'm not certain about the "Bronze" OA articles, since they will not have confirmation of an OA license in their metadata. We'll see.
You may also use the page with DOI numbers. (I'll be using that when I spot something while on my phone.)
Sharing articles should be easier. Here's one example using,
Bartsch, Kendall. 2022. “Emergence of New Public Discovery Services: Connecting Open Web Searchers to Library Content.”
The Serials Librarian 82 (1–4): 127–30.
This link does work also, which is not always the case. But this is one that our Find@ASU missed, since this journal is not usually available to us. The article is Open Access in a hybrid journal.
LibKey Nomad
You can get the
LibKey Nomad extension in your browser. In that case, when your browser displays something that LibKey recognizes as a journal article, you will be offered links. You'll see these in different kinds of websites, including Wikipedia.