The following titles will be useful in tracking down information about the piano and its literature:
- Barnard, Trevor, and Elizabeth Gutierrez. A Practical Guide to Solo Piano Music. 1st ed, Meredith Music, 2006. Ref ML 132 .P3 B33 2006
- Chang, Frederic Ming, and Albert Faurot. Team Piano Repertoire: A Manual of Music for Multiple Players at One or More Pianos. Scarecrow Press, 1976. Ref ML 128 .P3 C48
- Dees, Pamela Youngdahl. A Guide to Piano Music by Women Composers. Greenwood Press, 2002. Ref ML 128 .P3 D44 2002
- Faurot, Albert. Concert Piano Repertoire: A Manual of Solo Literature Forartists and Performers. Scarecrow Press, 1974. Ref ML 128 .P3 F39
- Fuszek, Rita M. Piano Music in Collections: An Index. Information Coordinators, 1982. Ref ML 128 .P3 F87 1982
- Hinson, Maurice. Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire. 3rd ed, Indiana University Press, 2000. Ref ML 128 .P3 H5 2000
- Hinson, Maurice. Music for More than One Piano: An Annotated Guide. Indiana University Press, 1983. Ref ML 128 .P3 H52 1983
- Hinson, Maurice. Music for Piano and Orchestra: An Annotated Guide. Enl. ed., 1st Midland ed, Indiana University Press, 1993. Ref ML 128 .P3 H53 1993
- Hinson, Maurice. The Pianist’s Bookshelf: A Practical Guide to Books, Videos, and Other Resources. Indiana University Press, 1998. Ref ML 128 .P3 H534 1998
- Hinson, Maurice. The Pianist’s Dictionary. Indiana University Press, 2004. Ref ML 102 .P5 H46 2004
- Hinson, Maurice. The Pianist’s Guide to Transcriptions, Arrangements, and Paraphrases. Indiana University Press, 1990. Ref ML 128 .P3 H536 1990
- Horne, Aaron. Keyboard Music of Black Composers: A Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1992. Ref ML 128 .P3 H68 1992
- Maxwell, Grant L. Music for Three or More Pianists: A Historical Survey and Catalogue. Scarecrow Press, 1993. Ref ML 128 .P3 M39 1993
- McGraw, Cameron. Piano Duet Repertoire: Music Originally Written for One Piano, Four Hands. Indiana University Press, 1981. Ref ML 128 .P3 M2
- Palmieri, Robert, and Margaret W. Palmieri, editors. Piano: An Encyclopedia. 2nd ed, Routledge, 2003. Ref ML 102 .P5 E53 2003
- Wolcott, Michiko Ishiyama. Piano, the Instrument: An Annotated Bibliography. Scarecrow Press, 2001. Ref ML 128 .P3 W65 2001