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Health Statistics & Data Sets: Overview

This guide suggests resources for health statistics and data.

Need a dataset?

Do you need a dataset, on your topic or maybe just to practice on?  See this NC State page (link below).  Google has a newish search for datasets.  I've had good luck with Figshare and ZENODO.  Also, the Library is a member of ICPSR, which is good for the social sciences.

Two health journal databases -- Where are other researchers getting their data?

Where are other researchers getting their data?  Articles' methodology sections may lead you to publicly available data.  In some cases, the researchers have measured phenomena and present original data.

Other Health Data Sites

Are you mapping health data? Cartographic Guidelines for Public Health

Watauga, region, and North Carolina

United States


Contact -- John Wiswell

John Wiswell
Belk Library 225   262-7853
Available for consultations with students -- Email me.
