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MKT 4620 Marketing Research: Research Strategy

Creating your search

  1.  Write your research question.
    example: How does CO2 labeling of food on restaurant menus and product packaging influence consumer choice and decision-making?
  2. List key terms and synonyms
    Subject/Keyword Synonym/Related Terms Synonym/Related Terms Synonym/Related Terms
    Co2 labeling emissions Carbon labeling  
    Decision making Consumer choice alternatives Food choices
    Restaurant menus Product packaging    
  3. Write a search query using boolean operators.
    Image explaining the boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT.  AND retrieves articles that contain all the terms; this narrows down the search.  OR retrieve articles with any of the terms; this broadens the search. NOT eliminates articles containing the second term; this narrows the search.
    modified from PGCC graphic


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Jackie Eagleson
(828) 262-7424